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Author Topic: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database  (Read 11470 times)


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Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:20:49 am »

I posted this a couple of years ago:

I have a largish vinyl collection.

It would be nice to have data on CDs AND vinyl in a single, unified database so I could see ALL albums of an artist, whether ripped to hard disk or still on vinyl. 

I have all vinyl entries in a database with at least album name and artist and location (positioned at divider tab "20" on my shelves, for example) 

Is there anyway to enter (or better, import) this data into JRiver?   I am only trying to have a database entry, nothing else.


Answer from Matt  (to whom I wish a speedy recovery)  was:
"For the vinyl question, you could make little stub files for the vinyl tracks or albums and tag and import them."

I have "some" programming ability. 

I have 1000 records - thus 1000 albums and probably 10,000 tracks

Has anyone found a way to do this without manually entering all the info into the "stubs" he suggests (would be just too very painful methinks)?


Vincent Kars

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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2014, 11:46:37 am »

As you have some programming skills, the trick is to generate tracks (the stubs) with meaningful names from the database like

1946_1_Prisoner Of Love_Perry Como

In this example (Billboard top 100): year_rank_title_artist

If you have meaningful names with a fixed pattern, you can use the library tool “Fill properties from filename”, this, as you might have guessed, populates the tags



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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2014, 01:53:21 pm »

You're going to need some basic track info somewhere, such as a spreadsheet, or encoded within the file system via path and file names.  If you have this, then the rest is relatively easy.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2014, 06:17:07 am »

The "workflow" would be

Create a cd with multiple short tracks as placeholders
Make multiple copies of each place holding/stubb album
Rename each placeholding album based on my vinyl database
Incorporate each into Media Center based on the name



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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2014, 04:04:27 pm »

You could do that.  You say you have a Vinyl database.  What format is that database?
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2014, 07:25:06 pm »

Probably one of the best strategies would be to auto-generate MPL XML files from your database (somehow, this will most likely require some custom coding or scripting on your end).  The MPL files will have to point to some kind of filename, so you will need to choose some kind of physical "file" to serve as the "host" in MC's Database for this tag information.

So, you'll need to decide how "atomic" you want to be with how MC stores the data.  Do you want the "atom" to be the album (disc on the shelf) or the "track", in other words?  You could do either.  If the "atom" is the disc, then each "asset" could just have a field (say, a list-type [Track Listing] field) with the track listing entered all in that field (nicely formatted to be readable on-screen from Theater View, for example).  Or, you might want individual "entries" in MC for each track on each disc (like a regular digital library), where individual tracks can be worked with, and mixed together maybe.  In that case, then the track would need to be the "atom".

Then you'll need essentially a dummy file for each of these atoms (of whichever type) on disc somewhere, so you can import them into the library.   You're not going to really ever want to "play" these assets, but you need to have a unique asset on the filesystem for each "atom" (whether by track or by disc above) in the Library.  I don't think there's any reason your MPL imports can't each point to a single asset for each album, even if you want to have discreet track items that can be viewed normally in MC (though I'm not sure).  I pretty sure you can't easily, and probably shouldn't, point multiple different MPL files at a single [Filename] because then Auto-Import will ignore future entries.  Someone else can comment here.

So, what you'd do in your database extractor tool is have a "master" copy of some dummy file.  Something small that you can import into MC.  It might be nice to have these "dummy" files be actual audio files (you could record yourself explaining what to do or something and save it as a small MP3), because then MC will recognize them as "audio" and automatically include them in the right Media Type.

Then, the database tool would copy one of these files, along with an associated MPL XML sidecar file, into a pre-determined folder structure, where MC's Auto-Import can watch for them.  In Auto Import you can set additional Tag On Import rules to do things that apply to all the files coming out of the tool (adding a tag indicating it is of Type "Vinyl" for example), which will be easier than hard coding it into your extractor tool.

That would let you do it all in one go, and you could map any data out of your database into the XML.  It would also allow a continual process (first, so you can test little by little, and later if you happen to want to keep using your existing database to create new entries in MC).  Plus, there are a variety of XML-producing toolsets available for pretty much any modern database or programming language you can think of, so it should be (if you're clever) reasonably simple to manipulate your data into the required XML and write it to disk, along with a nicely named duplicate of the master dummy file, into the appropriate watched directory.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2014, 07:44:06 pm »

With an MPL import, you actually don't need a resident file or the Filename field.  MC will create File-less entries if there is no Filename field.  This makes for nice virtual-records.

If there is a Filename, it is used as the key for relating Items in an MPL.  So duplicate Filenames will just have tag values overwritten by the last Item imported with an identical Filename.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2014, 08:12:23 pm »

Nice, I didn't know you could omit the [Filename] entirely.  I knew, of course, that MC doesn't internally require them (each entry has a unique key, of course) and that [Filename] could be blank, but I wasn't sure MPLs worked that way.

Do they work, then, for Auto-Import?  Because I thought they would only import once and that they'd wouldn't be continually updated by Auto-Import (or re-written to disc like a JRSidecar.xml file is for video).  I know I've seen posts from Matt to that effect in the past (but it may have changed or I might have misunderstood, you're the MPL wizard).

I guess I suspected they'd only auto-import if "opened" as a sidecar of a real file.  If you go with these "virtual" files (or MPLs generally) do you have to import them manually for that "no filename entry" mechanism to work?

And what happens if you play one?  Do they error?

Even if you don't need to, I was thinking with a real asset, you'd have something as a record.  If you used the little MP3 stub file, each file could actually have real embedded tags, be Rename, Moved, and Copied, and whatnot.  Plus, it would be useful too to a non-expert user of your system to teach them how it works.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2014, 08:23:53 pm »

There are limitations:
  - They cannot play, since there's no physical media asset (they error out, with a file named '' cannot be found)
  - They cannot be updated via Import Playlist, since there's no Filename to match against (new records are created)
  - File > Import Playlist seems to be the only way to Import/create these

My thinking for the OP was to modify my CSV2MPL script, so that the entries could be create en-masse via a single MPL import.  If assets were desired, a stub mp3 or FLAC could be used to copy to target folders on a per-track basis.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2014, 02:43:10 am »

hi, i have recently imported my vinyl into jriver.. from an xls with several columns such as album .. date .. album artist .. media type etc i created  (concat) the content for a mpl file in one cell per line .. this was basis for a csv file (with some headers / fopoters) that i imported using import playlist
this gave me 1 entry per album.. using cover art>get from internet etc i added images to the albums ..
this went pretty smooth for 300 albums.. i did not add tracks but that must not be to difficult

to get going i just exported an existing album to mpl  to get idea on the format .. i created one line per album in my xls

regards koen


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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2014, 02:46:52 am »


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<MPL Version="2.0" Title="Vinyl">
<Item><Field Name="Album Artist">10cc</Field><Field Name="Album">Bloody Tourists</Field><Field Name="Date">28491</Field><Field Name="Keywords">Vinyl;LP;33RPM</Field><Field Name="Producer">Phonogram</Field><Field Name="UPC"></Field><Field Name="File Type">jpg</Field><Field Name="Media Type">Audio</Field><Field Name="Genre">Vinyl</Field><Field Name="Artist">10cc</Field></Item>

the <item> .. </item>  is actually one line


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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2014, 03:40:19 am »

iamimdoc .. you may also post your q here so thats its of everyones help maybe

reg koen


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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2014, 05:25:10 pm »

I appreciate everyones help

Using my Excel spreadsheet of Album Name and Artist I used the concatenation function to create records with the <Field> </Field> information.  F2+ F9 a record creates Data (instead of references). So far so good.  I get what looks like a good record.

When I paste the records into an mpl file, I cannot get an import unless I have a file name

But if two records have the same file name, only the last is saved.

It seems I will have to create a faux file name.

I am working on that now

Anyone agree/disagree?



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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2014, 05:39:30 pm »

Don't include the Filename field, and you can import using File > Import Playlist.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2014, 10:23:13 am »

Thanks to all.

I got it to work in MC 17.  (I presume 19 will be the same)

I have an Excel database of Album Name, Artist and divider (location on shelf)

I used the Concatenate Function in Excel to create a record for each Record in the database.  No programming required (see attached screen shot for formula example).
All records were saved as Data by copying to clipboard and Pasting with Values Option ("123" icon).  This creates Data (and not formulae)
All records pasted to a .TXT file in Notepad.  This was saved as Vinyl.mpl

File format is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<MPL Version="2.0" Title="VinylMPL">
...Records - one to a line

Use Import Playlist in MediaCenter for MPL file type.

Album Art can be added.

A real music file is not required but I think might be useful as discussed above.

My Homer Simpson "DOH" moment was realizing that Media Type is required to display in Audio.



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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2014, 10:04:13 am »

maybe a question for this forum ...

what would be the best way / source of info to get detailed information for vinyl / records .. i mean the track list , producer  , etc ..

based on "album title" and for example the   id   such as "6310 504" and label such as "Mercury" i would like to find a downloadable playlist ?

for example on "discogs" i can find most of my albums .. and their track list .and more info . but i cannot download it as a playlist / csv

any hints for a good database / source of info ?

thx koen


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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2014, 12:29:52 pm »

what would be the best way / source of info to get detailed information for vinyl / records .. i mean the track list , producer  , etc ..

based on "album title" and for example the   id   such as "6310 504" and label such as "Mercury" i would like to find a downloadable playlist ?

for example on "discogs" i can find most of my albums .. and their track list .and more info . but i cannot download it as a playlist / csv

any hints for a good database / source of info ?

The two I know about are Discogs and AMG.  There are probably more.

My script will pull album data from AMG.  I started writing a discogs script, but I temporarily stopped working on it while I worked on some other projects.  Maybe its time to get back to it.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2014, 01:35:50 pm »

hi, i will have look at your script.. plse have look at discogs "scraper" ...



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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2014, 01:37:29 pm »

plse have look at discogs "scraper" ...

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here...
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2014, 01:46:47 pm »

i assume your script is some kind of screen scraper ..


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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2014, 01:48:22 pm »

For amg, yes, for discogs, no.  Discogs has an API which I use.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2014, 11:09:37 pm »

Ok, you prompted me to get off my duff and get some work done.  Here's a movie of a work in progress.  It pulls data from Discogs given a Discogs release ID:

Probably best to save the movie and play in an external player - it is wide.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2014, 10:07:55 am »

hi. it looks like you know upfront how many track an album has ....

i have currently one "record" in mp per album ..

it would be great if that one record would expand to 1 record per track ..
without knowing upfront how many tracks tehre are .. and without doing any cut / ast stuff

it would also be great if the result of you script wold be one line per track for each album that is part of a selection in mp

in that case i would select my 300 vinyl abums (they all contain albun name , id etc ) and that would be input for search ..

so not only "fill" track info but also expand one line per album to multiple lines (one for aech track) with the generic tags repeated

reg koen



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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2014, 12:27:14 pm »

hi. it looks like you know upfront how many track an album has ....

I can only update items that exist in the database currently.  I can have the script create new files, and can trigger MC to run an auto-import, but I'll have to test how well this all works together (since I can't get feedback as to when MC has already completed the import, I'll have to place arbitrary pauses in the script and you'll have to hope it works).

i have currently one "record" in mp per album ..

it would be great if that one record would expand to 1 record per track ..
without knowing upfront how many tracks tehre are .. and without doing any cut / ast stuff

If you don't want entries for each track, you could update just one record with Album information only (as if your entry was track 1).  The amg script supports writing any number of tracks, regardless of how many amg entries there are.  The discogs script would do the same.  If you still wanted to store track info in a single field (such as Comments or Description), I imagine it could be all lumped into a single location.

I agree with your preference of one entry / track, since that is the working paradigm of MC.

it would also be great if the result of you script wold be one line per track for each album that is part of a selection in mp

Sorry, I don't understand this, unless by "line" you mean a track/row in MC.  Or did you mean 1 line in the console output (what you saw was my debugging info; by default, there will be no output on success)?

in that case i would select my 300 vinyl abums (they all contain albun name , id etc ) and that would be input for search ..

This is the key matter - what "id" do you have?  An album "name" and "artist" is insufficient to obtain track information, since there are so many pressings, releases, and variations.  The lookups through discogs follow one of two models: 1) a unique release ID (which is what you saw in action), or 2) a Search model where a variety of possible matches are returned, and from those, you must select the correct one.  This makes complete automation impossible.  So for confidence and simplicity, I'm currently required the Discogs release ID.

so not only "fill" track info but also expand one line per album to multiple lines (one for aech track) with the generic tags repeated

This sounds like a summary of the above.

So long as you have the unique discogs ID available for each entry, and I can do the file creation/auto-imports reliably, this should be possible.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2014, 04:16:09 pm »

since I can't get feedback as to when MC has already completed the import

I'm not entirely sure how you're doing this, MrC, but...

Via COM, and I suspect (though I've never tried it) via MCWS the same would hold true, there is a way to tell if a file has been imported.  Via COM, if you ask for a MC for a IMJFileAutomation object for a particular file, it will always give you back a valid instance (it doesn't return null), but if the file hasn't been imported, the [Filename] property will be set to an empty string.  It gives you back a valid, but empty instance.

Obviously, if you were crafty and importing "assets" with a blank [Filename] as described above, this won't help, but for any file you've actually imported that has a valid pathname, this property will contain it, so you can test against that for any "real" files.

Can you do the same via MCWS?  What actual data do you get back if you try to query a non-imported file?
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2014, 04:24:24 pm »

I may not have explained...

You can't tell if Auto-Import is done.
But you can tell if it is done with a particular file, and then take action on it.  Assuming you have a particular pathname you are looking for (or a list to iterate over), you can initiate Auto-Import, and then sleep, periodically checking to look for the new file records.  You don't need AutoImport to be done, only done with the particular file(s) you need.

They don't need to be arbitrarily timed, is my point.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2014, 04:38:15 pm »

Thanks for the input.

I'm only using MCWS, and won't use COM because it isn't cross-platform (I do all my development of this stuff on the Mac).

The script can either create an MPL (for manual import) and this can create dummy files inside MC, or via MCWS directly (and I haven't tested yet to see if I can create dummy entries using this mode).  I've only implemented direct MCWS updates in the pscriptor and in discogs scripts, thinking this is so much easier and more automated and instantaneous (no manual import of an MPL).  But I could add the MPL functionality for the case where files need to be created, and generate the dummy files and the MPL, and a user can manually do the File > Import Playlist - and this will always pull in/update the files in real-time, so maybe this is a good limitation when creating/importing dummy files.

There are only two ways to query for a file in MCWS: by Filename or by FileKey.  Files not imported won't have a FileKey yet.  I could query by Filename to see if they exist (polling, usually a sign of a bad implementation), but I'd only do this if dummy entries were created.  This might slow down processing by some noticeable amount, certainly the first operation could delay for minutes, and that seems like a bad experience.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2014, 04:48:09 pm »

I could query by Filename to see if they exist (polling, usually a sign of a bad implementation), but I'd only do this if dummy entries were created.  This might slow down processing by some noticeable amount, certainly the first operation could delay for minutes, and that seems like a bad experience.

Yes, you would have to poll for it, which stinks, but that's really all you can do in this case.

I wasn't addressing whether this would be appropriate in your script here (sorry, I hadn't followed that closely since earlier in the thread).  But, I in MCFileReplacer I use this kind of test extensively to see if a file is imported or not (by querying the filename and looking at the result that comes back).  So I figured it was worth mentioning...
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2014, 04:48:21 pm »

I've thought about this some more, and have decided...

If the script is asked to create dummy files, it will only produce an MPL file, which a user must manually import using File > Import Playlist.  It adds only a few seconds of additional user work (1 step), but ensures everything is hunky-Dorey.

I think I'll take this a step further.  I'll allow a list of Discogs Release IDs to be supplied, and the script will just magically create one mondo MPL and all the associated dummy files.

@kdwykleingeld - your job will be to get those IDs, which means you have to look them up in Discogs.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2014, 05:37:29 pm »

Excuse me if missed this point of detail and probably an obvious step, I take it that a user would have to create a database field "Discog ID" to make your process work effectively (once it's ready for release)?

From inspection of MC19.0.104, this is currently not a standard field.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2014, 05:39:06 pm »

No, you don't need the field in the view, or as a field in MC.  You can pass it along the command line.  But it can be pulled from the view if it is there, and you can name the field whatever you want.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2014, 11:41:49 pm »

I made some more progress on this tonight.  I added the following:

   - ability to write out the culled metadata to an MPL file
   - support a list of discogs release IDs
   - create dummy tracks from a very small, embedded .1 second silent mp3 file (about 900 bytes each)
Here it is in action:

Again, it is wide, so download and play it for best viewing.

Once imported, you can run the Rename tool to relocate the folders and files according to your File Location rules.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2014, 02:53:28 am »

Once imported, you can run the Rename tool to relocate the folders and files according to your File Location rules.

As in this Rename tool?
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2014, 03:45:52 am »

Sorry, I meant the Library Tools > Rename, Move and Copy tool.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2014, 04:44:10 pm »

More progress on the Discogs tool, with a lot of internal plumbing changes.   The changes:

   - can use a user-named Discogs release ID field from a view's column, and will ignore updating any tracks without the field.  This means you can select a bunch of files and the tool will do the correct look-ups, ignoring those files without a release ID.
   - increased the duration of the embedded dummy mp3 file, because MC seems to dislike files < 2 seconds in duration (it won't import these if you do an Import on the file, and it produces tagging errors)

It is almost ready to test if anyone is interested.

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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2014, 04:49:25 pm »

More progress on the Discogs tool, with a lot of internal plumbing changes.   The changes:

   - can use a user-named Discogs release ID field from a view's column, and will ignore updating any tracks without the field.  This means you can select a bunch of files and the tool will do the correct look-ups, ignoring those files without a release ID.

It is almost ready to test if anyone is interested.

I reckon this is a great improvement.. nice one.
MC33, Win10 x64, HD-Plex H5 Gen2 Case, HD-Plex 400W Hi-Fi DC-ATX / AC-DC PSU, Gigabyte Z370 ULTRA Gaming 2.0 MoBo, Intel Core i7 8700 CPU, 4x8GB GSkill DDR4 RAM, Schiit Modi Multibit DAC, Freya Pre, Nelson Pass Aleph J DIY Clone, Ascension Timberwolf 8893BSRTL Speakers, BJC 5T00UP cables, DVB-T Tuner HDHR5-4DT


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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2014, 06:14:48 pm »

In Discogs, vinyl tracks as listed as A1.. An, B1...Bn.  How should these be translated to MC Disc # and Track # tags.  Currently I'm translating as side A is Disc 1, side B is Disc 2, etc., and track numbers start at 1 for each Side/Disc.

Alternatively, I could ignore the sides, and increment tracks as they are listed (1 to n).
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2014, 09:09:33 pm »

More progress:

   - reads a track # and disc # from a view, if available, to be used for calculating the correct track entry.  This allows updating any number of tracks within an album (believe it or not, this turned out to be much harder than one would expect).
   - added a sequence option to force the program to ignore disc # and track #, but use the listed sequence (this is useful if disc/track numbers are incorrect, but the sequence in the view is correct).
   - stores the media format (e.g. Vinyl, CD) into a user's field (default: Media Format).

Here you can see how using -s can ignore existing disc and track info, and update the album correctly according to the track info in Discogs.  Notice also the Media Format field in the view.  Two Discogs releases IDs are being used in the movie, one is for a Vinyl format, the other CD:
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2014, 02:07:40 am »

In Discogs, vinyl tracks as listed as A1.. An, B1...Bn.  How should these be translated to MC Disc # and Track # tags.  Currently I'm translating as side A is Disc 1, side B is Disc 2, etc., and track numbers start at 1 for each Side/Disc.

Alternatively, I could ignore the sides, and increment tracks as they are listed (1 to n).
I'm using 1 to n in my vinylrips. I was also writed Discogs "scraper" with python inpspired by your a m g scraper. Development is on hold though due to real life events so thanks for doing this. I think that Discogs data if filled is more accurate than in a m g.

I was also mapping Written By field to Composer (not exactly the same thing of course)
I also filled Publisher, Label, Catalog#, Country, Album type (Album, Compilation, Single etc.), Original Release date (date field) and Release date of the reissue


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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2014, 02:42:01 am »

Great, thanks for the feedback.  I'll add an option to use sequential track numbers.

The field mappings will all be customizable, and I already have all the fields you mention, plus more.

It seems like I'll have some time this weekend, so I'll post the first release, and bump this thread.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2014, 05:09:25 am »

This is amazing MrC, I look forward to trying this out, great work ;)


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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #41 on: January 27, 2014, 12:18:54 am »

The cat is out of the bag:

For any issues / questions with, let's comment henceforth in that thread.
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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #42 on: January 27, 2014, 12:34:56 am »

Hi great !.. i will definitely try it  out and keep you posted

reg koen


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Re: Get Vinyl data into MediaCenter Database
« Reply #43 on: January 27, 2014, 03:06:17 am »

The cat is out of the bag:

For any issues / questions with, let's comment henceforth in that thread.

Will do MrC. Looking forward to trying this out and seeing how it goes. Thanks ..  ;)
MC33, Win10 x64, HD-Plex H5 Gen2 Case, HD-Plex 400W Hi-Fi DC-ATX / AC-DC PSU, Gigabyte Z370 ULTRA Gaming 2.0 MoBo, Intel Core i7 8700 CPU, 4x8GB GSkill DDR4 RAM, Schiit Modi Multibit DAC, Freya Pre, Nelson Pass Aleph J DIY Clone, Ascension Timberwolf 8893BSRTL Speakers, BJC 5T00UP cables, DVB-T Tuner HDHR5-4DT
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