Hi everyone,
I have been using MC to stream music to my Marantz Consolette without any problems for a couple of months.
And last night when i tried playing music thur MC, it just doesnt connect to the device. I am using Windows 7 platform. Any help is greatly appreciated
Running 'Math' benchmark...
Single-threaded integer math... 3.550 seconds
Single-threaded floating point math... 2.366 seconds
Multi-threaded integer math... 1.035 seconds
Multi-threaded mixed math... 0.767 seconds
Score: 2461
Running 'Image' benchmark...
Image creation / destruction... 0.143 seconds
Flood filling... 0.371 seconds
Direct copying... 0.717 seconds
Small renders... 1.270 seconds
Bilinear rendering... 0.885 seconds
Bicubic rendering... 0.522 seconds
Score: 5631
Running 'Database' benchmark...
Create database... 0.258 seconds
Populate database... 1.764 seconds
Save database... 0.963 seconds
Reload database... 0.344 seconds
Search database... 0.952 seconds
Sort database... 0.883 seconds
Group database... 0.595 seconds
Score: 3734
JRMark (version 19.0.67): 3942