Hi Arindelle
I seems I need to add something to separate names in the soloist field, otherwise it looks like one long weird name? How would it know if I put in Leonid Kogan Nina Kogan that they are two soloists not one?
Also, I added some random letters as a test and now I cannot seem to delete them as check boxes! Any idea how I do this? Thanks!
The way this works is that either you manually input each name hit enter, add another name etc. You can also hover over this area and paste a bunch of names from another site into a text box pop-up and then edit it which is very cool for soloists). When finished just hit enter on the blank box and you are done.
Now if you want to type two things in at once like "
Leonid Kogan Nina Kogan" you can ... but, you are right -- MC is going to consider that as 1 soloist or artist what ever ... The separator as I mentioned is the semi-colon ... so you could just type
Leonid Kogan; Nina Kogan. Once you enter this it will be split into two separate entries visually
There are a bunch of advantages to this type of field for tagging. Like a not making spelling mistakes ... Just Type Mar and probably Maria Callas will come up. You ant to avoid having multiple names for soloists and artists. Also, for operas for example you can rearrange the order by dragging the names -- principal soloists at the top. Or you could enter all the solists for the entire album and by track unclick the ones that are not playing/singing on the track. Depending in the views you create this will show as individual selections, not grouped together like "Leonid Kogan; Nina Kogan"
here two screenshots to show you what I'm talking about

EDIT: this post is under the old versions part of the forum ... Probably should be asking direct questions like this under the Win21 forum ... I am using the new Tagging Window option here and it doesn't exist in version 19 for info. The way the listbox type fields work hasn't changed though.