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Author Topic: Problems with the function: Locate Artist or Album  (Read 1776 times)


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Problems with the function: Locate Artist or Album
« on: January 30, 2014, 01:40:09 pm »

I have another problem which I have already described in the German forum.
- I have deleted all the prescribed library views.
- My library views consist only of Panes
If I want to jump from the library view "sound quality" to the artists (locate Artist), MC does not jump to the library view Artist - Album. Mc remains in this view and only shows this one album.
The rule for this library view is:

Code: [Select]
(- [Preference] = [] or [Bit Depth] => 16)
The jump from other views, for example, Recently Imported to the correct view is only possible as long as I do not go into this view.

But this is - I think so - not just a problem in the Linux - version, but also in the Windows version. Only if I recover my old library structure, this works as it should.
Debian Testing x64 (multiarch) Xfce
TEAC UD-H01 - Yamaha A-S1000 /
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Re: Problems with the function: Locate Artist or Album
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2014, 03:58:26 pm »

I believe MC will jump to the first top-level Audio view that is selectable.  By default, Audio has the Allow tree selection feature unchecked.  If you happened to enable it, MC will jump to that root level on a Locate <item> command.
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Re: Problems with the function: Locate Artist or Album
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2014, 01:10:57 pm »

Thx...  :D-
I had to set up the top category (audio) as a library view. Normally, this category is empty.
(If I answer the question about overwriting with yes, MC says that this is not recommended). But I need to set this library view, and had to allow the "Tree brrowsing" . Only then will the "Locate" does its job.

I think that's a little bit strange.
In the new versions of the MC the category "audio" seems to be empty. The former was not so. I have not noticed because I have always imported my old library from version to version (since MC 8  ).
The top two categories _Artist-Album and Album-Artist also have no filter, but MC does not jump there.
Debian Testing x64 (multiarch) Xfce
TEAC UD-H01 - Yamaha A-S1000 /
Midrange- Studiomonitore by FÖÖN
AsRock Z390 Extreme4- Intel Core i9 9900/ 32 GB Ram
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