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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 19.0.117 for Debian  (Read 4059 times)


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JRiver Media Center 19.0.117 for Debian
« on: February 14, 2014, 03:15:35 pm »

Purchase link

19.0.117 (2/14/2014)

1. Fixed: Enabled filesystem statistics gathering function.
2. Fixed: Allow : in filename (was filtered out by windows code).
3. Fixed: Remove special treatment of UNC style paths (windows code).
4. Fixed: Remove special treatment of . in pathnames, i.e. foo./bar (windows code).
5. Fixed: The fixing of the documents path causes the automatic database backup to occur. (~/Documents/JRiver ....)

19.0.116 (2/10/2014)

1. Fixed: Prevent tooltips and transparent windows from stealing input focus. Fixes upper right corner search box.

19.0.115 (2/5/2014)

1. Changed: Completely reworked the linux ALSA audio output device control to be more efficient and reduce latency.
2: NEW: Allow advanced user control of the latency.

19.0.112 (1/30/2014)

1. Fixed: Stability improvements.
2. Changed: Moved timeout to April 9th 2014

19.0.109 (1/23/2014)

1. Fixed: Workaround a curl bug that could cause crashing on slow dns lookups.
2. Fixed: Window focus issues. Need feedback.

19.0.108 (1/21/2014)

1. Fixed: Stability improvements.

19.0.103-3 (1/14/2014)

1. Fixed: Stability improvements.

19.0.103-2 (1/13/2014)

1. Changed: Removed system requirement for libcrypto++ and libboost-regex.

19.0.103 (1/9/2014)

1. NEW: Implemented libboost for regular expressions to match the windows and mac versions.
2. Changed: More dependencies tuning.

19.0.102 (1/3/2014)

1. Changed: Bumped timeout to February 9th 2014
2. Changed: Package no longer depends on the various linux audio encoders to install, they are recommended but not required leaving it up to the user to install. These are Lame, Vorbis-tools, Musepack-tools. They can be 32 or 64 bit.

19.0.94 (12/16/2013)

1. Fixed: Bug introduced from the column header crash fix.

19.0.92 (12/11/2013)

1. New: Added Musepack (mpc) encoder (requires system musepack-tools).
2. Fixed: Pathname length for files increased from 260 to 4096.

19.0.91 (12/10/2013)

1. Changed: More shared library work (stability).
2. Changed: Now requires system libcrypto++9 (>= 5.6.1)
3. Fixed: MPC (Musepack) input plugin.

19.0.90 (12/9/2013)

1. Fixed: .deb pacakge dependencies will allow either i386 or amd64 versions of lame and vorbis-tool and un-arched xfonts.
2. Changed: Reliability in loading shared libraries, was causing problems when switching between audio formats during playback.

19.0.89 (12/6/2013)

1. New: Added OGG encoder.

19.0.88 (12/5/2013)

1. Fixed: OGG input plugin.

19.0.85-1 (12/3/2013)

1. Faster: Drawing from an internal image to the screen is much faster (requires 0 memory manipulations before draw; previously required two copies before draw).
2. Changed: More resolutions avaiable for the dynamic MC Icon.
3. Fixed: DLNA fixes from the main code.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.117 for Debian
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2014, 05:35:49 pm »

Missed adding one thing (will edit).
The fixing of the documents path cause the automatic database backup to occur.
(~/Documents/JRiver ....)


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.117 for Debian
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2014, 05:57:13 am »

first many many thx Bob !!  :)
(that we dont get us wrong->i only want to improve your wonderful Linux JRiver here, and to help u ;-))
here your wished experiences on some other OSes (for bug-fixing):

Xubuntu 13.10 i386:

1. Media-Import still not browseable..
2. cant get jriver on maximum windows size ("maximize window" without function)
3. the whole menu/option selection is still very "freezy/shaggy" ;-)

Pro: cool "-calibration"-Audio->up to 192 khz

Marcos Jose

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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.117 for Debian
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2014, 08:05:05 am »

On my set-up (Debian 7.4 + Matrix X-Sabre USB DAC) I have been facing strange behaviour while playing DoP FLAC files (local or UPnP):

Sound quality on DSD is just great, if I play an album continuously, everything goes nicely. But if I command some operation transition (start-stop-advance-pause) my USB DAC relays to PCM for a while before reverting to DSD once again.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.117 for Debian
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2014, 10:39:38 am »

On my set-up (Debian 7.4 + Matrix X-Sabre USB DAC) I have been facing strange behaviour while playing DoP FLAC files (local or UPnP):

Sound quality on DSD is just great, if I play an album continuously, everything goes nicely. But if I command some operation transition (start-stop-advance-pause) my USB DAC relays to PCM for a while before reverting to DSD once again.
Three things to consider.
1) The device used in your case should be a hardware device, not "pulse" or anything  with "sysdefault:" in front of it.
2) Pause is implemented by writing silence to the device.
3) Whether or not the device is reopened on seek, etc depends on the seek and track transition modes set in the Audio options.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.117 for Debian
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2014, 09:38:46 am »

Hi bob,

at the first look, two old friends came back:
1. the pop up window appears only above others the first time, next it sits behind the main window.
2. windows behave very slow, after increasing   
As far as I could go back, xx.115 did not show this bugs.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.117 for Debian
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2014, 10:03:20 am »

Hi bob,

at the first look, two old friends came back:
1. the pop up window appears only above others the first time, next it sits behind the main window.
2. windows behave very slow, after increasing   
As far as I could go back, xx.115 did not show this bugs.
Thanks, I'll take a look at that. I've been messing a lot with the UI code trying to figure out tooltip focus issues and to get something that will work across most windows managers.

Marcos Jose

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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.117 for Debian
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2014, 01:36:54 pm »

Three things to consider.
1) The device used in your case should be a hardware device, not "pulse" or anything  with "sysdefault:" in front of it.
2) Pause is implemented by writing silence to the device.
3) Whether or not the device is reopened on seek, etc depends on the seek and track transition modes set in the Audio options.

Hi Bob, thanks for your attention and reply.  :)

Here goes my findings...

1) I am pretty sure hardware device [front:] and ALSA is being used.  X-Sabre USB DAC is locked and always follows tracks bitrates. No DSP or Audio Output manipulation is selected. I am always in look of the proper "bit perfect" configuration. Even volume is held on the external analog domain.

2) In my opinion, if we have a problem, this is where it belongs: silence is possibly being writen unproperly to the device. Imagine a playlist populated with DoP files only and the user managed to change tracks order or stop/pause from time to time: did you coded JRiver to output "DSD silence" or "PCM silence"? In this case, that would be reasonable to output "DSD silence", otherwise any DAC would "flip" to PCM (to play the PCM silence) before "floping" to DSD again (to play the actual DSD track)...

3) My "Stop, Seek & Skip" configuration is as follows:

Seek: Gapless
Stop: Immediate
Pause: Immediate

Some other track transition modes configurations:

Prebuffering: 6 seconds
Play silence at startup fo hardware sincronization: 1 second
Switch tracks: gapless
Do not play silence (leading and trailing): UNticked option
Use gapless for sequential album tracks: TICKED option

With the above configuation there is no flip/flop while seeking, problem occurs during manual track transitions or stop/pause actions when DoP is involved.

Thank you so much and keep up the good work!


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.117 for Debian
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2014, 11:52:29 am »

1. Fixed: Prevent tooltips and transparent windows from stealing input focus. Fixes upper right corner search box.

I know this is from the previous build but I wanted to clarify that its not the bigger tooltips with cover art but the tooltip from cut off values that still prevent mouse and keyboard input.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.117 for Debian
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2014, 09:49:15 am »

I know this is from the previous build but I wanted to clarify that its not the bigger tooltips with cover art but the tooltip from cut off values that still prevent mouse and keyboard input.
I understand.
The problem in the case of the tooltips is not that they still have focus it's that they are overlaying the window beneath that would get the input. I'm still trying to figure out how to handle that.
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