I then verified via an offline convolution and got the following comparison. I presume the shifting is a result of the mismatch sample rate and so this is expected behaviour given there is no resampling here.
cli_96.png compares the offline convolution against the filter, the other pic compares the 3 offline convolutions against each other.
Commands used are of the following form
Usage: convolverCMD nPartitions nTuningRigour fAttenuationDB config.txt|IR.wav i
nfile outfile
nPartitions = 0 for overlap-save, or the number of partitions to be used
nTuningRigour = 0-4 (Estimate|Measure|Patient|Exhaustive|Take 1 minute)
fAttenuationDB = the attenuation to be applied in dB
config.txt|IR.wav = a config text file specifying a single filter path
or a sound file to be used as a filter
input and output sound files are, typically, .wav
C:\Users\Matt\Downloads\stumpp>convolverCMD 0 1 0 Cor1S96.wav dirac96k.wav dirac
Using overlap-save convolution
Input file format: Stereo WAV (Microsoft) 96kHz 1429504 frames
Filter format: 2 Paths (Stereo to Stereo direct) 96kHz 131072 taps Lag: 65536 ta
ps 0.68s Estimated gain: 6.9dB Peak gain: 19dB
Optimum attenuation: -12dB calculated in 0.128s
Using attenuation of 0dB (ie, scaling factor of 1)
Convolved and wrote 1572864 frames to dirac_to_96.wav in 0.129s (ie, at 1.3e+002
times real time)
C:\Users\Matt\Downloads\stumpp>convolverCMD 0 1 0 Cor1S44.wav dirac96k.wav dirac
Using overlap-save convolution
Input file format: Stereo WAV (Microsoft) 96kHz 1429504 frames
Filter format: 2 Paths (Stereo to Stereo direct) 44.1kHz 131072 taps Lag: 65536
taps 1.5s Estimated gain: 1dB Peak gain: 18dB
Warning: Filter format and Input file have different sample rates
Optimum attenuation: -6.7dB calculated in 0.127s
Using attenuation of 0dB (ie, scaling factor of 1)
Convolved and wrote 1572864 frames to dirac_to_441.wav in 0.145s (ie, at 1.1e+00
2 times real time)
If I get time then I will try to recreate this independently using my own filters.