I could use some help with setting up theater view that I can't find in wiki nog on the forum.
1. when creating a new category you can choose between "main roller" and "secondary roller". what's the difference between both.
2. once created I want to introduce rules and nest it. but for an unknown reason I have different possibilities (screens) for the categories:
- for some I have a button to set rules for the display
- for some I have an additonal possibilitie to add library fields, sort etc.
- for some I only see the field to change between main and secondary roller. in that case there is no "nest available eighter.
what I want to do is to make group for movies with subgroup "seen", "not seen yet", "keep on drive", another group for holiday movies, another for series.
I succeeded in doing so a few years ago but now I can't find how to add change the categories/grouping.
can you please help
I have attached a pdf with different screens for second point.