I'm playing around al little bit with this nice piece of Software. 
Is there a change for future releases consuming less CPU-Power?
E.g. Squeezelite uses much less. And that is not only a question of the GUI.
1. MC20

2. Squeezelite/LMS

3. MC 20 idle

Jim's right a new thread might be best, but a few quick notes:
I'm not sure how familiar you are with Linux load figures, but that top read out doesn't mean you're at 50% total CPU usage during playback: it means you're using 50% of one core. The cubietruck is a dual core system and if you look at the third line from the upper left (CPU%) that's the actual total CPU usage (about 25% total utilization, which is about double the 12% utilization with squeezelite)
That said, I think those cpu figures may be a bit high, Jim's right, JRiver may still be analyzing audio files or performing other tasks in the background. Check under "Services and Plugins" --> "Reporter" in the tree to see what might be running.
For context: Have a look at my measurements for an RPi 1 and RPi 2 over here:
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=97100.0The Rpi 2 is a useful comparison point as it's an A7 cortex processor (like the cubietruck), clocked at 900MHz (similar to the 1 GHz clock of the cubietruck). The RPi2 is quad core instead of dual core, but core for core it should work about like the cubietruck.
You can see that on the RPi2 playback of 16 bit/44KHz flac files peaked at about 20% of one core, so you're seeing CPU usage about 2.5 times what I'm seeing. So unless you're playing much higher resolution material, MC is probably running something in the background. Higher res material will use more CPU, necessarily.