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Author Topic: Please continue production of Gizmo.  (Read 3918 times)


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Please continue production of Gizmo.
« on: April 21, 2015, 10:09:39 pm »

ive played with eos, and jremote for android for quite some time, and i'm not fond of the connection landing screen on either of them. (nor the lack of informing when you will be exiting the app.)

EOS/JRemote, upon connection both default to a Audio View. Whereas Gizmo defaults how a typical remote would function by landing you on a available activities/Home screen (audio, images, video, playing now, search.) Also Gizmo offers an option to get to your activities AT ANYTIME on EVERY screen by pressing the home icon (which also allows you to quickly change zones.)

The problems i'm running into (testing via less savy family members & friends) is...
1. they don't realize there are more options in the drop down, and don't know how to get home at times.
2. and once someone has drilled down in the views, and when they start clicking back, they eventually get booted out of eos/jremote because they do not know where they are, and once they are booted, if they click on recent apps, the eos/jremote app is there however it makes them start from fresh and again lands them in the audio section....In gizmo, they can keep pressing the back button, and eventually before it kicks them to the android screen, they will end up right back where they started (on their available activities/home screen.)

My 2cents a remote is a remote, and once it's picked up, a home screen/activitites screen should be the first thing a person lands on, and above all a person should know when they will be exiting the app, so as not to have to reconnect and be forced somewhere they never wanted to go in the first place (audio section).

It's very similar to how any HTPC/universal remote works, there is an activities/home button, and once one picks up the remote they can see all the available options (lighting, watch tv, watch movie, thermostat, turn on popcorn machine, etc..) but the way eos/jremote is now being built it's as if you are picking up your logitech remote and instead of seeing available activities your being directed to audio only, and then you must make an action to see all available activities

If production will continue with Gizmo, count me in on purchasing the app!

if not, perhaps jremote could consider these scenarios.



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Re: Please continue production of Gizmo.
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2015, 01:45:13 am »

Just get used to the navigation drawer. You don't need a home button if the "home screen" is available from anywhere just by swiping from the left border of the screen.
~ nevcairiel
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Re: Please continue production of Gizmo.
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2015, 05:48:30 am »

Like xta I too liked the layout of Gizmo, it is so simple and I have also had issue exiting the app using the back button too many times.  I did not realise you could swipe in from the right to get to the draw, so thanks for that.  I realised I was "officially old" when MS changed Office with the introduction of the Ribbon Bar and I could not find a thing.  Guess it takes time to get used to these new GUI layouts.
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Re: Please continue production of Gizmo.
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2015, 10:08:05 am »

I do agree the the first view should be one view higher like gizmo.
Besides what xtacbyme said. I like to pick my activity. Do I want audio or a movie.
Starting off in a view doesn't let you do that as easy.


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Re: Please continue production of Gizmo.
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2015, 12:46:06 pm »

Just get used to the navigation drawer. You don't need a home button if the "home screen" is available from anywhere just by swiping from the left border of the screen.

+1 -- 21st century time to adapt  :D


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Re: Please continue production of Gizmo.
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2015, 01:38:00 pm »

21st century time to adapt
tell that to the remaining tribes left in your westernized world.

i was under the assumption the 21st century was to bring new changes (improve upon), not add more steps, confusion, and regrets. (forcing less savvy users after purchasing paid apps to a FREE archaic app that doesn't boot them to androids home screen, and make them start over is hardly improving upon.)



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Re: Please continue production of Gizmo.
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2015, 02:31:28 pm »

Apps evolve; navigation paradigms change. When this occurs - as it has here - your mindset also needs to change. There's now a menu in a drawer instead of a tile grid, so you have to get used to using the drawer instead. Gone are the days of the old "breadcrumb" style navigation that Gizmo used.

This happens all the time in software. Nobody's forcing anyone to use these new apps; you can still use Gizmo if you find it easier. But change is inevitable!
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: Please continue production of Gizmo.
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2015, 02:53:49 pm »

One thing I could do is require a double-back key on the top level screen, before JRemote is closed. Could even show a small hint message that a second press will now close it.
~ nevcairiel
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Re: Please continue production of Gizmo.
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2015, 02:56:21 pm »

This happens all the time in software. Nobody's forcing anyone to use these new apps; you can still use Gizmo if you find it easier. But change is inevitable!

Although if development stops on older apps, in time they will break and cease to be usable, especially with proprietary software.  Change eventually forces the upgrade, which I think is what folks are unhappy about.

For my part I enjoy the "fluidity" of eos and jremote (I've been using eos happily for six months, it's great).  The alternative UI requires a little getting used to for those of us used to the "solidity" of the navigation in Gizmo, but it's equally functional, and often requires fewer presses to get to the same place.  I've also used Gizmo happily for years, but given that android is abandoning the menu button, something's gotta give in terms of UI organization.

New UI always seems terrible at first (at least to me).  I hated Gnome 3 for months after years of using windows, but after a year or so, I now find myself resenting windows  ;D

One thing I could do is require a double-back key on the top level screen, before JRemote is closed. Could even show a small hint message that a second press will now close it.

+1. That would be handy as I still wind up kicking myself out once in a while.


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Re: Please continue production of Gizmo.
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2015, 03:06:31 pm »

One thing I could do is require a double-back key on the top level screen, before JRemote is closed. Could even show a small hint message that a second press will now close it.

so the family/friends may have hope... pleasing news.

+1. That would be handy as I still wind up kicking myself out once in a while.

personally, i think a nice little transparent popup warning (as mentioned) would suffice without being intrusive...Then there is no possible way for confusion.

EDIT: preferably a popup that doesnt disappear (not timed), until user chooses to exit, OR clicks elswhere in the app preventing them from being booted.
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