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Author Topic: Raspberry PI -- Scripts and MC  (Read 1843 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Raspberry PI -- Scripts and MC
« on: May 25, 2015, 06:49:16 am »

What is the most efficient method in a script to probe if MC is Playing/Paused/Stopped?


Seen some amazing projects on the forum and  curios about all PI projects you are baking.
Therefore sharing my results so far. Keep in mind I am a python NOOB and this is the first scripting/coding project in 20 years:  So don't laugh but appreciate the effort.  ;)

This was the starting point:
Code: [Select]
# First rude MC20 control Script in python 2.7
# there are 3 pull down bottons: volume_up, volume_down and toggle (witch toggles between Play and Pause)

# imports
from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import urllib

# setup variables
toggle_pin = 13
toggle = False
volume_up = False
volume_up_pin = 19
volume_down = False
volume_down_pin = 6

# set up the pins
GPIO.setup(toggle_pin, GPIO.IN)  # TOGGLE PLAY/PAUSE
GPIO.setup(volume_up_pin, GPIO.IN)  # VOLUME UP
GPIO.setup(volume_down_pin, GPIO.IN)  # VOLUME DOWN

# main
# a pin-down gets once detected in a sort of flip-flop;
# a "hold-down-timer" would be nicer

# Toggle Play/Pause
        if(toggle == True):
                if(GPIO.input(toggle_pin) == False):
                        print('Toggle Play/Pause')  #for testing feed back
        toggle = GPIO.input(toggle_pin)

        if(volume_up == True):
                if(GPIO.input(volume_up_pin) == False):
                        print('Volume up by 5%')

        volume_up = GPIO.input(volume_up_pin)
        if(volume_down == True):
                if(GPIO.input(volume_down_pin) == False):
                        print ('Volume down by 5%')

        volume_down = GPIO.input(volume_down_pin)

Version 3a:
Code: [Select]
# MC20 control Script in python 2.7  - Script Version 3a
# Connects to the Media Center Web Service (MCWS) on the localhost
# There are 3 (pull down) buttons for control and 3 leds (red, green, blue) for feedback.
# Functionality:
# Commands/Query's target current playback zone in MC on localhost, this can be any DLNA-Render on the network
# Feedback leds:
#   red         = not connected to MC20/MCWS
#   green       = connected and not playing
#   blue        = playing <= 480000 kHz
#   blue + red  = playing > 480000 kHz
# Control Buttons :
#   volume_up
#   volume_down
#   toggle  =  toggles between Play and Pause (Play if Playback stopped)

from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import urllib

#Setup Variables
MCurl ='http://localhost:52199/MCWS/v1/'
connected = False
led_red_pin = 27
led_green_pin = 17
led_blue_pin = 22
toggle_pin = 13
toggle = False
volume_up_pin = 19
volume_up = False
volume_down_pin = 6
volume_down = False

#Set up Pins
GPIO.setup(led_red_pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(led_green_pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(led_blue_pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(toggle_pin, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(volume_up_pin, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(volume_down_pin, GPIO.IN)

def MCinfo():
    # gets the playback info of the current zone (ID=-1)
    global connected
    response = {}

        response_xml = urllib.urlopen(MCurl+'Playback/Info?Zone=-1')
        response = Parse_response(response_xml)
        connected = False
        response['Response Status'] = 'Fa'       # Probably need this for error handling

#   print response                                                        # for testing, spams terminal!
    return response
#end def

def MCvol_up():
    global connected

        response_xml = urllib.urlopen(MCurl+'Playback/Volume?Level=0.05&Relative=1')
        print 'New Volume is', Parse_response(response_xml)['Display']   # for testing, will break on bad response
        connected = False
#end def

def MCvol_down():
    global connected

        response_xml = urllib.urlopen(MCurl+'Playback/Volume?Level=-0.05&Relative=1')
        print 'New Volume is', Parse_response(response_xml)['Display']    # for testing, will break on bad response
        connected = False
#end def

def MCtogglePlayback():
    urllib.urlopen (MCurl+'Playback/PlayPause?Zone=-1&ZoneType=ID')
    print 'Toglle Play/Pause'                                             # for testing, MCWS has no use full response
#end def

def Parse_response(raw_XML):
    # This returns the XML response of MCWS in a dictionary (array)
    # There probably are more sophisticated way's to parse the XML response;
    # this does the job (for now); the format of MCWS response is pretty predictable.
    # It has to been seen if a full blown XML parser(module) does it more efficient.

    response = (    #read the XML resonse of MCWS and put it in a list of lines,
    fdict = {}                                  #and put the clean data in a dictionary:

    fline = response[1]                         #Get "Response Status" on the 2nd line,
    fkey = fline[1:16]
    fvalue = fline[18:20]                       #"Failure".... gets truncated to 'Fa'
    fdict[fkey] = fvalue

    for fline in response [2:-1]:               #Get remaning response
        fpos =  fline.find('">')
        fkey = fline[12:fpos]
        fvalue = fline[fpos+2:-7]
        fdict[fkey] = fvalue
    #end for
    return fdict
#end def

# 2 nested loops:
# Outerloop try to connect to MCWS
# Innerloop connected to MCWS and do stuff

while connected == False:

##    blink = not(GPIO.output(led_red_pin))    # tried to blink red led as in red_led = not(red_led).....
     GPIO.output(led_red_pin, True)
     GPIO.output(led_green_pin, False)
     GPIO.output(led_blue_pin, False)

     try:                                      # adding some delay if used on boot is probably better
         connected = True
         GPIO.output(led_green_pin, True)
         GPIO.output(led_red_pin, False)
         GPIO.output(led_blue_pin, False)

     # Innerloop, do Stuff
     while connected == True:
        info = MCinfo()
        # doing this often takes too much horsepower, looking for improvement....
        if info['Response Status'] == 'OK':
            if info ['State'] == '2':
                GPIO.output(led_blue_pin, True)
                GPIO.output(led_red_pin, False)
                GPIO.output(led_green_pin, False)
                if int(info ['SampleRate']) > 48000:
                    GPIO.output(led_red_pin, True)
                GPIO.output(led_green_pin, True)
                GPIO.output(led_red_pin, False)
                GPIO.output(led_blue_pin, False)
                # Future functionality : switch off amplifier after x min idle.

        # loop to keep buttons responsive while tempering consumed horsepower
        t = 0
        while t < 20:
             t = t + 1
            # Toggle Play/Pause
            if(toggle == True):
                if(GPIO.input(toggle_pin) == False):
            toggle = GPIO.input(toggle_pin)
            # VOLUME UP
            if(volume_up == True):
                if(GPIO.input(volume_up_pin) == False):
            volume_up = GPIO.input(volume_up_pin)
            # VOLUME DOWN
            if(volume_down == True):
                if(GPIO.input(volume_down_pin) == False):
            volume_down = GPIO.input(volume_down_pin)

            # Future functionality :
            #   toggle + volume_down = close MC, poweroff
            #   toggle + volume_up = close MC, reboot

            sleep (.2)
        #end t < n times

     #end connected is True

sleep (1)
#end connected is False

Post your Suggestions and Optimization's


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Re: Raspberry PI -- Scripts and MC
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2015, 09:41:27 pm »

Some nice work there. :)
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