Ok wow, that's odd. It works exactly the same on my system, but I didn't notice because when I go through Artists > Albums, I never look at the detailed list of all albums. I select one album at a time and look at the songs on that album. But I see that you use it with the detailed view all the time.
I tried to fix this to sort the same as the thumbnail list and couldn't get it at first. I *finally* figured it out. I think it doesn't sort the way it should because the "sort by album date" is a built in default in this view. So here's what you want to do:
1. Get back down to that level of showing some albums from an artist in the view we are discussing (your screen shot).
2. Look at the header at the top of the detail list. See where it says "All Files"? Click on the down arrow there. You can also right click anywhere in the header. You'll get a menu.
3. Click on Group By, and you should see that Album is selected. Roll down that list to the next sub menu item, "More Sort Groups (a-z)". Click on that and select Album.
Now the sorting should be the same as the thumbnail view just above it. Both sorted by alphabetical Album Name. Phwew. Why does "Album" work in the More Sort Groups menu, but Album doesn't work above that? I think Album in the top level menu is a built in and sorts by Album Date, even though it doesn't say so. There are several of these types of things in the Views in JRiver. I think. Just glad I got it to work.