I did some testing today with playing music at work from my computer at home.
First i Tried with the webservice, which is ok in a pinch, but it is a bit primitive (no playing now, lists of albums are non-convenient and so on), so I decided to install MC on the computer and test using a remote library over the internet.
At first, no files would play, the program froze up for maybe 5 seconds, and gave back "unable to play file". Then i changed audio to "no conversion". Now flac-files plays nice and very snappy, MP3 files have the same problem, about 5 seconds goes by, I either get a dialogue that "something went wrong", or it justs seemingly plays for 5 seconds, no sound comes out, and it jumps to the next file.
Streaming to webgizmo on the same computer: Works perfectly
Streaming to JRemote from the same computer over the mobile network: Works perfectly
(As mentioned), Flac Files: works perfectly
Local Mp3 files: works perfectly.
Loading the library: Very quick (a couple of seconds or so for a 8 MB library) I guess network speed to be around 30 Mbits /s between the machines.
Any idea what could be causing this odd behaviour?