You shouldn't encourage me to post about this thing. I'm so enthusiastic about it it's probably not healthy. It's been an integral part of my MC experience since it came into existance, and it's a testament to how well it was written that it still works today, after being dead in the water for what, ten years?
I made a plethora of different skins for it way back when, and still have those around, somewhere. Skinning for it is so, so versatile, as James gave us control over absolutely everything... Where it pops up, how long it stays for, how long it takes to pop up, custom tooltips created from any existing library field, all sizes of album art, and so on

The skin I've used for long and weary now, pops up, and stays around, along the top of my screen. It gives me access to the playing now list, so I can skip to any track in the list, handy tooltip info for the current, previous and next tracks, artist bios, album reviews, ability to rate the current and previous tracks, and volume control....

It doesn't scale, and is made to fit a 1920 pixels wide screen, without covering the left and right corners of a maximised window.
I've attached it to this post if you want to give it a spin...
Before loading it though, you would need to create a custom, expression based library field called nps using the expression below, otherwise, it will spawn constant pop up error messages about not being able to find that field... it takes care of things like "Played once", "Played Twice", "Never Played" and stuff.

if(isequal([filename],,8), Radio Play,if(isempty([number plays]),first time played /(Imported formatdate([date imported,0],dd MMMM yyyy)/),if(isequal([number plays],1,2),played once,if(isequal([number plays],2,2),played twice,played [number plays] times)) ~ last played formatdate([last played,0],elapsed) ago)) if(isempty([number plays]),,/(formatdate([last played,0],dd//MM//yy)/))