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Author Topic: Anti-virus and JR TV  (Read 4263 times)


  • World Citizen
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Anti-virus and JR TV
« on: October 26, 2015, 04:52:24 pm »

I hesitate to post this, because it might therefore recur and doom my future experience.  I hope I am not too soon in declaring victory.

I have had a problem with TV sound for about the past 6 months.  The symptom was momentary sound dropouts (less than one spoken syllable) that recurred cyclically several times/second for maybe 10 seconds, maybe more.  The infernal thing is that it would not start to happen until having watched TV for about 30 minutes, not before. Then it would recur at irregular intervals thereafter, destroying my pleasure.  All other audio or video via JRiver has been pristine and exemplary, including hi rez audio and BDvideo.

But, I just got through a whole football game and some more TV watching without it.  I do not watch all that much TV, so this has not been a "priority" problem for me, annoying though it was.  Hopefully, it is not too soon to celebrate.  The answer seemed to be to uninstall Norton antivirus (free from Comcast) and install Webroot, in my case.

Ok, I am using HD Homerun Prime with a Comcast Cablecard on an Intel I7 PC with Win 7.  I have no idea how or why the antivirus should have affected this, but I do not care that much as long as the problem us solved.

Oh, yes.  I was also having problems getting the EPG in 21. I was able to navigate Norton to fix that problem with mc2xml, but it was a pain for awhile until I discovered the answer. I do not see a similar problem with Webroot, so far at least.

Other antivirus packages might be just as good.  The point is, as we have seen many times elsewhere in this forum, antivirus may be the cause if you are having problems.


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Re: Anti-virus and JR TV
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2015, 06:16:36 pm »

Some anti-virus programs try to scan every file passing before it, and that can cause serious slow downs and hangs. What is recommended now is to go to the anti-virus setup page and set it "exclude" those files JRiver uses and those hard drives or folders/directories where the media files are stored.


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Re: Anti-virus and JR TV
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2015, 03:08:59 am »

Media files should never be scanned.


  • World Citizen
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Re: Anti-virus and JR TV
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2015, 09:07:42 am »

Right.  I have never had similar issues with media file playback from the library, with one exception.  It was  discovered on TV audio in real time watching.  Not 100% sure, but I think it was also there in recorded TV.  I would have to use a stopwatch and wait for about 30 minutes for the problem to start to test this idea, so it is a little iffy.  But, I did experience the same issue on some programs while watching the recording.  TV picture quality has been fine by the way, with no similar dropouts or momentary freezes.

If all this is true, then, yes, it might be some sort of momentary resource/latency issue that comes and goes as a result of antivirus processing.  The audio problem appears also to be captured by the TV recording process.  But, if a new antivirus program fixes it, I am not going to spend a lot of time trying to get to the bottom of it.

I am keeping my fingers crossed.  Should it recur, I will update this thread with that info.

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