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Author Topic: Output Puzzle  (Read 13669 times)


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Output Puzzle
« on: December 13, 2008, 05:00:32 pm »

I'm stumped.  I am using MC13 on my laptop as a music source for my stereo system.  I have my library on an external hard drive and I'm using a USB digital to audio converter run into the back of my amplifier.  I have told windows to use the USB DAC as the output device and under Control Panel and sound settings, windows says that is what it's doing.  When I play something in Media Center the sound, rather than going to the stereo system, comes from the speakers on my laptop.  Further, the volume is uncontrollable via either Media Center or Windows.  I am using ASIO as my output though I've tried others just to see if that would cause a change.  Nope.  I should add that if I bring up Windows Media Player and play a selection, it goes right out to the stereo speakers, indicating, I think, that the problem is in Media Center rather than Windows.  Does anybody have an idea as to what might be going on?  Thanks very much.


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Re: Output Puzzle
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2008, 05:10:58 pm »

have you checked the 'output mode settings' under options>playback>audio in mc?
is the device pointing to the right one?



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Re: Output Puzzle
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2008, 05:20:26 pm »

I have gone there and it has ASIO as the output format but I don't see anything that points explicitly to the device.  I see Output Mode Settings and there it uses a channel offset of 2 (I'm not sure I know what that means) and then it references buffering which seems fine.  Do you actually identify the output device in MC?


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Re: Output Puzzle
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2008, 04:09:04 am »

in output mode settings try to set the offset to 0, i think that that would do it, when it is not pointing to the wrong device ... and just above the ofset you could see the device.. in the attachment below it says edirol...

the ofset sets the channel to start the playback with when you have a multichannel card...



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Re: Output Puzzle
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2008, 06:08:27 am »

I reset that number to zero but that did not do it.  Where you saw the Edirol device, I only see the two ASIO software routines that I have loaded - ASIO4ALL and Weuschell's ASIO4All which is an older version.  The USB DAC is not listed.  Is that the problem?



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Re: Output Puzzle
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2008, 06:14:56 am »

I reset that number to zero but that did not do it.  Where you saw the Edirol device, I only see the two ASIO software routines that I have loaded - ASIO4ALL and Weuschell's ASIO4All which is an older version.  The USB DAC is not listed.  Is that the problem?

not necesarrily... the question is if asio4all is seeing and using the usb dac... and when you set it to use asio 4 all for playback, it depends on which channels asio 4 all have putted the dac. when your standard laptop card has forinstance 6 channels, the dac gets channels 7 and 8. so the ofset should be 7 (or 6?). you could also change asio4all to not use your internal sound card (disable it in the asio 4 all settings). that you doont see the dac in the devices is because it does not have asio drivers for its own (like the edirol has).



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Re: Output Puzzle
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2008, 06:18:11 am »

there was a long thread about using asio4all with mc 12 just recently...

maybe you find some helpfull info there also  ;)


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Re: Output Puzzle
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2008, 06:26:42 am »

Bingo.  You got it.  The ASIO4ALL was selecting the sound card rather than the DAC.  I changed that and it is now working like a charm.  Thanks very much.

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