This is the latest version of MC 15. Please post bugs here. Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion. Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved. (6/11/2010)
1. Changed: JRSS improvements to matrixing algorithms used for rear channel creation. (applies to 2.0 -> 7.1 and 5.1 -> 7.1 conversion)
2. Changed: The 'hardware style previous' button mode will use a 10 second cutoff when controlling a DLNA device unlike the 1.5 second cutoff during regular playback.
3. Changed: The 'Play / Pause' command for WebRemote plays the current file instead of visible files if playback is stopped.
4. Fixed: WebRemote commands like 'Play' could get cached by the browser and stop working.
5. Fixed: Using WebRemote with an Android, links could fail to work properly after navigating back due to AJAX caching.
6. Optimized: Improved cache-ability of WebRemote / WebPlay webpages, helping browsing performance.
7. Fixed: In rare cases, a core string function could read one character too far and cause a crash.
8. Fixed: When syncing content from Library Server to a handheld, extra unneeded numbers could end up in the final filename that were used during download time.
15.0.57 (6/10/2010)
1. Optimized: Search engine uses more sophisticated logic for deciding the order to evaluate pieces of a database query, providing substantial speed improvements in some cases.
2. Optimized: Database search engine can better discard duplicate search terms, helping performance in applicable cases. (stacking of similar searches is common in nested views, etc.)
3. Changed: Numerous
Gizmo improvements: loads images in background thread, adds ability to enter a library server access key to get to library, etc.
4. Changed: Gizmo should be installed from the
Android Market (it's free). Search for "Gizmo" in Market on your phone.
5. Fixed: WebPlay was not showing Play / Shuffle buttons for playlists.
6. Fixed: Mouse wheeling on a horizontal scrollbar could scroll diagonally.
7. Fixed: The player window buttons could highlight on mouse over, even when the mouse was actually over a window on top of the player.
8. Changed: Increased maximum boost / gain available in DSP Studio > Volume Leveling to 18 dB from 12 dB.
9. Fixed: The in-place edit available choices for fields with a fixed list of acceptable values was not working properly.
10. Changed: Reworked how link bar at top right of view is loaded so that it is pulled from disk less often.
11. Changed:
Link bar allows creating link rules like '[Genre]=[Rock]' and the available links nicely update as different files are selected.
12. Optimized: Improved performance of link bar system, so that evaluating what links should be shown is much faster.
13. Optimized: Revised view header update system works to provide better view performance.
14. Fixed: The 'Previous' button did not seek to the beginning of the current track when controlling a DLNA device.
15. Optimized: Improved performance of
seeking when controlling DLNA devices.
16. Changed: The /MCWS/v1/Alive function does not require password authorization to make checking for running servers possible from MC, Gizmo, etc. without requiring a password prompt.
17. Changed: Added additional handling to prevent DLNA control from skipping two (or more) files when pressing 'Next'.
15.0.56 (6/7/2010)
1. Changed: Added PlayingNowPosition, PlayingNowTracks, and PlayingNowPositionDisplay variables to MCWS/v1/Playback/Info function.
2. Changed: Added .FileKey variable for WebPlay / WebRemote file objects.
3. Fixed: During DLNA control, a manual Next or Previous could causes multiple files to be skipped depending on network timing.
4. Changed:
Removed timeout.
5. Fixed: Column changes made while drilled into a library view in the tree were not saved.
6. NEW: Added 'Author' database field, used for author metadata when importing documents. (previously used 'Artist' field)
7. Changed: Import of document title, keywords, etc. from the filesystem better handles UTF-8.
8. Optimized: Loading the default 'Artists' view with a huge library is about
5% faster. (speed increases should help smaller libraries and other views as well)
9. Fixed:
VST plugins that exposed a standard DLLRegisterServer(...) function in addition to the standard VST plugin export would not install properly.
15.0.55 (6/7/2010)
1. Changed: Media Type specification for DVB-T television's MPEG-2 audio and AC3 audio is updated.
2. Changed: MC configures DVB-T television's video format before connecting a filter graph so the video media type conforms to DVB-T's PAL standard.
3. NEW: Added new video file type wtv.
4. Fixed: WebRemote did not work nicely with Library Server authorization enabled.
5. Fixed: Quicktime files (mov, qt) could not be thumbnailed if they were set to play in DirectShow.
6. Changed: When playing files externally to MC (i.e. double click a file in Win explorer), windowed playback is now an option in General options.
7. Changed:
Improved DLNA track advancement system to be less dependent on DLNA events. (events are used to help performance, but system functions fine even if device doesn't event properly)
8. Fixed: Webpage style stores would just show 'Installing' instead of a webpage. (since build 51)
9. Fixed: Theater View > Playing Now > Info view would not advance properly as tracks changed.
15.0.54 (6/3/2010)
1. NEW: The player automatically detects the arrival of a
Google Android (previously required a program restart if the Android was mounted while Media Center was running).
2. Changed: Options > Media Network > Advanced Server Settings > Authentication password is no longer in plain text.
3. Fixed: Leaving Theater View's Hulu view could be slow.