That is MC 16.0.168 running in Parallels Desktop 6 (in Coherence Mode) on a current-gen Macbook Pro 15". It is pretty much the base model, except it has a 750GB drive. I'm going to install 8GB of RAM when the sticks come in, but right now it has the default (4GB). The only other "special feature" of this Macbook is that it has the upgraded higher res screen. It is an Intel Core i7 2.0GHz (Sandy Bridge), with 4GB of DDR3 @ 1333MHz, and an AMD Radeon HD 6490M GPU (1680x1050 resolution display). I have "2" CPU cores and 1.5GB of RAM dedicated to Parallels in the VM Config (I put 2 in quotes because the i7 has hyperthreading so it sees the CPU as 8-core, I'm not sure if it really dedicates two physical cores or if it might be one physical and one virtual, or if it matters).
I have Windows 7 x64 installed in Boot Camp on the machine, on a 300GB partition. I also have Paragon Software's NTFS Driver for OSX installed, which provides FAST read/write access to NTFS partitons on OSX (though that isn't relevant in Parallels). And then this Boot Camp partition is set up in Parallels Desktop 6 as a VM (which it actually did completely automatically for me when I installed it, with no user interaction of any kind at all, which impressed me).
MC runs fantastic.
Totally, completely usable in basically every way. I'm using MC right now connected to a my Library Server (the media drive is mounted in Windows as a network drive), over WiFi, and it is working great. I played a bunch of videos on Red October Standard, including a few big 1080p BluRay rips, and it doesn't miss a beat. I configured the Audio setup as WASAPI - Event Style, and set the DSP to 24-bit (oops, actually, I had to use 16-bit to get it to work in Parallels), with everything else set using my "usual" settings.
Theater View works perfectly. Maybe just ever-so-slightly slow every once in a great while, but really, it feels native (and those "hesitations" might even be my imagination or network access and caching, as I am on a Library Server via WiFi).
MC works fine in Parallels' Coherence Mode too, which is how I did that screenshot above. Though for video playback and Theater View obviously you want to go into Full Screen mode in Parallels (otherwise the dock and top Apple menu bar stay visible, even when MC "thinks" it is fullscreen).
I'm completely floored right now. I'd hoped it would be better using Parallels 6 on a newer machine, but this is unbelievable.