With the help of Andrew Van Til (senior editor of Missing Remote), we're adding commercial skipping support to the video playback engine.
Wow, what crazy timing!
I seriously just walked away from the HTPC in the living room after confirming that I now have hands free commercial skipping working with WMC and wtv files, using Andrew's DTBAddin plugin and comskip!
I walked in here, wrote a thank you to the author of MC-TVConverter for making the change that allowed it to happen.
I popped over here to see what was new, and there's this post. Incredible timing.
Good news is, that workflow can be very easily modified to get me the edl for ts recordings, a single digit change I think.

...skipping should be temporarily disabled until the position that you skipped back from has been passed. The use case is a place where detection is wrong, usually where the last couple seconds of a show segment has been misidentified.
another use case is this
... I just started watching a show and MC skipped forward the first 2 times as expected. About 20 mins in I backed up the video about 30 secs (NOT 10 mins) and MC did not skip the next ad. Stopping and restarting playback fixed it.
In this case, they skipped back not because of a wrong detection, but just to go back and see something. If MC had disabled skipping only until playback got past the point they skipped back from, it seems commercials would have been correctly skipped; since stopping and starting indicated the skip point was there/working. I'm guessing that upon skipping back MC disabled the next 'skip ahead' point instead? Maybe just a bug?
I think if MC could look back maybe 15 or 20 seconds to see if it's recently passed a 'end skip' marker when you press the back button. If not, you're just going back to see something again and skipping should not be affected at all. If there was recently a skip, take me back maybe 4 seconds (or 2) before where it 'skipped ahead' from, then disable that 'skip ahead' point, by disabling skipping until *after* that point. That would give me 20 seconds to notice that I missed part of the show, find the remote, maybe from another room, and hit back and go right back to wherever it skipped from and let me watch for whenever I might need to skip ahead.
BUT; that only works when it 'skipped ahead' too early. What if the 'end skip' was the problem? Then I need to go back maybe 20 seconds before that 'end skip' and see if that's commercial, or if I need back again to get back to the show.
I'm not sure how to distinguish which reason the back button was pressed. Perhaps a long-press to go back before the last 'skip ahead' point, and a regular back press will go back XX seconds before the last 'end skip' point, and 'skip ahead' points will be ignored until after where the back press happened?
I'm looking forward to giving it a go, once the build is released. I'll set some recordings to have some test files to work with.
I think I'll be happier working to fine-tune the comskip profile to better identify commercials, and not have to use the back button

Anyone know how to setup channel-specific profiles for comskip?