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Author Topic: Crash importing or analyzing FLAC + CUE [Solved]  (Read 3194 times)


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Crash importing or analyzing FLAC + CUE [Solved]
« on: December 09, 2013, 11:38:42 am »

I received a crash log from a user drbig.

The crash seems to be while analyzing FLAC+CUE files.  I'm not sure, but I think auto-import might be checking it over and over.

Code: [Select]
7783982: 2296: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Start
7783982: 2296: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Start
7783982: 2296: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Filename: \\videoserver\music_flac\The Beatles - [1967] Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band\The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.cue
7783982: 2296: Import: CPlaylistExpander::ExpandFileCUE: Start
7783982: 2296: Import: CPlaylistExpander::ExpandFileCUE: Getting tracks (0 tracks)
7783982: 2296: Import: CPlaylistExpander::ExpandFileCUE: Finish (0 ms)
7783982: 2296: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (0 ms)
7783982: 2296: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Finish (0 ms)
7783982: 2296: Database: CMediaDatabase::AddFile: JRAnalyzer::Open returned
7783982: 2296: Import: ImportNewFiles:     Failed to analyze / add (adding to bad database)
7783982: 2296: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing

I can't explain the problem, but am posting on his behalf.  If anyone else has any clues or has seen a problem in this area, please share.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Sean Bigelow

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Re: Crash importing or analyzing FLAC + CUE [drbig]
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2013, 06:35:12 am »


I have been trying to identify a bad flac file by a process of elimination.  I've come to the conclusion that it is not a specific bad file but the number of files being processed that causes the problem.  Here is what I have tried:

1. After stopping the processing of all flac files by pointing the import process to a directory with no files, MC19 was stable for two days.  It seems like the problem is flac specific.

2. I added 10 directories containing flac + cue files to the import directory.  MC19 was stable for two days.

3. I added 100 directories containing flac + cue files to the import directory.  MC19 crashed several times per day.

4. I started removing specific directories, but was not able to find the culprit.  Also, the log showed MC19 crashing while processing different files.

Matt, I would appreciate any help you could offer with this.  I'm not really sure what to try next.  I recently upgraded to MC19 from MC18.  My library contains several thousand flac + cue directories and I have not experienced any problems until now.



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Re: Crash importing or analyzing FLAC + CUE [drbig]
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2013, 06:59:43 am »

It's not the number of files.  MC can manage at least a million files.

Are you using the most recent build?  It's currently 19.0.96:

We've seen a couple of crashes caused by antivirus programs in the last week.  Malwarebytes and bitdefender.  Uninstall any AV program you use.


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Re: Crash importing or analyzing FLAC + CUE [drbig]
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2013, 02:59:27 am »

I can confirm this, had the same problem, and I just read this topic.
Disabled Bitdefender and problem is solved.

Thanks a lot!


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Re: Crash importing or analyzing FLAC + CUE [drbig]
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2013, 05:29:57 pm »

The crash seems to be while analyzing FLAC+CUE files.  I'm not sure, but I think auto-import might be checking it over and over...If anyone else has any clues or has seen a problem in this area, please share.

I've not had any crashes, but I have many files that originate as cue files, with a FLAC full file, and these tracks seem to be constantly trying to be imported.  I reported on a different issue (slow/glitch response to input), but the files showed as being imported multiple times in that error log.  Not sure if it's related, but thought it worth mentioning.
pretend this is something funny

Sean Bigelow

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Re: Crash importing or analyzing FLAC + CUE [drbig]
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2013, 04:17:09 pm »

This is resolved now.  I'm not sure specifically what the issue was, but I made some changes in the location of my main library file, and now it is no longer crashing.  After upgrading, my MC19 library was still in the MC18 library location.  After moving it to the MC19 library location, this and several other problems have gone away. 

Thanks for the responses.
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