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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: Sequence Number Conflicts  (Read 1970 times)


  • Global Moderator
  • Ice Artist
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  • Posts: 116
Sequence Number Conflicts
« on: December 23, 2003, 12:58:54 pm »

We are getting sequence number conflicts but we are below our license count.  We have replaced PC's (new with old) and did a reinstall of the ICETCP software.

I do not know how to check the sequence numbers and how to reassign.

You can check the sequence numbers assigned to users by going to the computer that Pro Admin server is installed, use the Windows Start button, go to
Programs/ICE.TCP Admin and select LicenseAdmin, and click on the "Users" tab. This will give you the list of sequence numbers, *AS* they were last assigned by the server to the users. If you have conflicts between
users' sequence numbers, the conflicts will NOT show up on this list; the conflicts mean that users' PC's are out of sync with this server.

There are various reasons that sequence number conflicts can occur: You can have more than two Pro Admin Servers running on the network, or you created a new server without properly transferring the data from the old server. Or one of more entries on the LicenseAdmin Users list were deleted (and the server subsequently reassigned those numbers) while the
original users of those sequence numbers continued to use them (i.e. they didn't run ConfigWiz to get new sequence numbers).

To fix sequence number conflicts, first, make sure there is only one Pro Admin server running on the network, then delete the entries in LicenseAdmin for the computers/users that are experiencing conflicts,
then have those users run ConfigWiz to get assigned new sequence numbers.


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