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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: License question  (Read 1218 times)


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License question
« on: August 13, 2004, 04:42:03 pm »

I am making an effort to support TCP.ICE PRO in an environment running W2K on the server and using XP Pro on the desktop.  I have a total of 6 Wintel boxes that need Telnet capabilities.  The balance of my enterprise is Wyse 60 terminals, about 10.  I have 10 licenses available.  When I try use Telnet on an existing machine where I can validate that a sequence number has been assigned, I get a "You have exceeded the number of licensed terminals" error.  

Math as I understand it tells me that with a total of 6 Wintel pcs in the entire network and a total of 10 paid licenses, I should not see that particular error ever since I have 4 licenses that are not assigned to anyone!

Am I missing something here?

I have TCP.ICE PRO 5.1.09 but I was not the person who installed it to the server nor did I do the installs on the pcs.  I therefore have no clue what was done or not done or how correctly.  

And while I have you on the line...

I noticed when looking at the license assignments that I have one assigned to a pc that is no longer in the enterprise.  Is there a way to recycle that license- assign it to a different pc?  If so- and I desperately hope there is- how would I go about doing that?

I am hoping for some insight in how to fix this issue.  I am VERY unfamiliar with ICE and am trying to learn as I go.

My appreciation for your assistance in advance!


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License question
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2004, 09:33:12 am »

I am making an effort to support TCP.ICE PRO in an environment running W2K on the server and using XP Pro on the desktop.  I have a total of 6 Wintel boxes that need Telnet capabilities.  The balance of my enterprise is Wyse 60 terminals, about 10.  I have 10 licenses available.  When I try use Telnet on an existing machine where I can validate that a sequence number has been assigned, I get a "You have exceeded the number of licensed terminals" error.  

Math as I understand it tells me that with a total of 6 Wintel pcs in the entire network and a total of 10 paid licenses, I should not see that particular error ever since I have 4 licenses that are not assigned to anyone!

Am I missing something here?
Yes, the message isn't coming from PRO. You are seeing it in the emulation window, right? It's really coming from the Unix server. If you are running SCO Unix, the number of login sessions can't be greater than the number of licensed users, you probably have a 5 user version (guessing by your numbers).
I have TCP.ICE PRO 5.1.09 but I was not the person who installed it to the server nor did I do the installs on the pcs.  I therefore have no clue what was done or not done or how correctly.  

And while I have you on the line...

I noticed when looking at the license assignments that I have one assigned to a pc that is no longer in the enterprise.  Is there a way to recycle that license- assign it to a different pc?  If so- and I desperately hope there is- how would I go about doing that?

I am hoping for some insight in how to fix this issue.  I am VERY unfamiliar with ICE and am trying to learn as I go.

My appreciation for your assistance in advance!

You can just run licenseadmin and remove the user whose PC doesn't exist any more.

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