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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: Cursor blinkink above the correct line.  (Read 1404 times)


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Cursor blinkink above the correct line.
« on: October 04, 2004, 03:10:12 pm »

When the icetcp plus window opens the cursor is on the wrong line. It is 1 line higher than where it is supposed to be. I have checked all the setting and cannot seem to find how to adjust the cursor.

Thank you.


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Cursor blinkink above the correct line.
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2004, 04:42:17 pm »

It's probably a terminal type issue. The unix server is sending a sequence to change the cursor. Use a better terminal type for the unix you are using or:

If it's a SCO unix box, try:
setcolor -c  12 13
while logged in, from a unix prompt.

If not, try something like:
echo -e "\033[=11;13C"
if using bash for a shell or
echo "\033[=11;13C"
if using ksh or csh or just sh

If one of these works the way you want, just put it in your user .profile

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