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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: Tips and Tricks  (Read 8553 times)


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Tips and Tricks
« on: January 13, 2004, 10:31:58 am »

This thread will be for common info on shortcuts and other tips for using ICE.TCP.PLUS
« Last Edit: January 13, 2004, 03:20:33 pm by Bob »


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An ICELP Script for text printing
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2004, 10:33:58 am »

This is an example of a simple ICELP script that does text printing (converts Unix style end of lines to printer style end of lines)

There are also some comments in here for binary only printing as well (for example, if you are printing postscript or graphics)

Follow this link to download it

Also, make sure you pull this directly to your unix machine or if you use a windows machine and then move it to a unix machine, make sure both ftp transfers are the same (i.e. both binary or both ascii).

For info on installing print spool files for ICELP on systems not covered in the manual, see the ICELP section on the support page:
« Last Edit: September 19, 2006, 12:37:55 pm by Bob »


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Debugging server side icelpd
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2004, 03:17:43 pm »

The default port for icelpd is 2346.

If you are logged into the unix machine you can do a couple of quick tests to see if you have installed icelpd properly.

First type:

icelpd -c

you should get back:

                Icelpd - ICE.TCP Print Server.
                Version 4.07b.
                By Roman Oliynyk.
                (C) 1994 James River Group, INC.
                All rights reserved.

Then try:

telnet 2346

if you get "connection refused" you do not have icelpd installed in the inetd or xinetd config files properly. See the manual for more info.

if you get a connection you can try typing in:


and hit ENTER

you should get back


If you don't you still don't have icelp installed properly, check the
manual for more info.



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Sessions closing when PC sleeps
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2004, 10:11:10 am »



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Color attribute setting escape sequences
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2004, 10:44:56 am »

In the following examples, substitute for the letter c a value from the color table:

0 Black
1 Blue
2 Green
3 Cyan
4 Red
5 Magenta
6 Brown
7 White
8 Grey
9 Bright Blue
10 Bright Green
11 Bright Cyan
12 Bright Red
13 Bright Magenta
14 Bright Brown (Yellow)
15 Bright White

ESC[=cF   Set Normal Foreground color
ESC[=cG  Set Normal Background color
ESC[=cH  Set Reverse Video Foreground color
ESC[=cI   Set Reverse Video Background color
ESC[=cJ   Set Line Graphic Char Foreground color
ESC[=cK  Set Line Graphic Char Background color
ESC[=cL  Set fill bg attribute color. If c=0 fill w/ current bg
                 if c=1 fill w/ base color.
ESC[=cN  Set Write Protect Char Foreground Color
ESC[=cO  Set Write Protect Char Background Color
ESC[=cR   Set Blink Foreground color
ESC[=cS   Set Blink Background color
ESC[=T     Reset all of the above to their default values and
                 attributes to their default colors
ESC[=cU   Set underline normal foreground color
ESC[=cV   Set underline normal background color
ESC[=cW  Set underline high foreground color
ESC[=cX   Set underline high background color
ESC[=Cy   Set color fill flag: 0=default bg, 1=current bg
ESC[=Z     Reset all attributes to default colors
ESC[=c\    WYSE graphic attribute where c=0 wyse compat (no
                  seperate graphic attribute) and c=1 old DEJAVU
                  compat (seperate graphic attribute)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 10:57:00 am by Bob »


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Using NetBox for Timesync
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2005, 09:24:51 am »

If you have a version of Windows older than XP and are connected to the internet, you can use Network Toolbox to sync your PC clock to internet time. (XP has it's own timesync).

To do this (in Win 2k for example):

Open control panel->scheduled tasks

Start add scheduled task

Using the wizard, browse to network toolbox \Program Files\J River\ICETCPPLUS and double click on NetBox (the one that looks like a toolbox)

Choose Daily for perform this task and put in timesync as the name of the task and click on next

Change the time to run this task to a time your computer will usually be on and the perform this task to Every Day and click on next.

On win2k you'll need to enter your password here a couple of times and click next

On the final wizard screen, check the box that says Open advanced Properties ... and click finish

Under advanced properties and in the run box after the last " add a space, then the following:
and click on ok

You should be all set.

You are connecting out on the time protocol, port 37. You may have to have your network admin open you firewall for outgoing access if this doesn't immediately work.

The server listed above (a dash in front of the name is required for Network Toolbox) may not be the best server for you to use. Your company may have an internal server you are supposed to use or one of the internet servers may be closer to you. Check the following page to see other available servers.


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Creating desktop shortcuts with different terminal profiles
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2006, 04:14:55 pm »

First make sure the host(s) you want are already created and in the host list.

Second, open the ICETCPPLUS.INI file in your WINDOWS directory with notepad.

Third, add lines similar to the following to the bottom of the file:

In the examples above, exp is the name of one host in the hosts lists and smooth is the name of the other hosts in the hosts list. mylinux is the name of one profile and mysco is the name of the other profile.

Fourth, make a couple of shortcuts on the desktop to plus' deja32.exe program. Change the shortcut names to something descriptive like mylinux and mysco. Then in the properties for the shortcut, in the target, after the trailing " add a space and the profile name. Mine looks like this:
"E:\Program Files\J River\ICETCPPLUS\deja32.exe" mysco

You should be good to go. Note that the lines I listed above are the minimum to get a connection. After connecting, a bunch of other lines will be added automatically to each profile specifying stuff like the selected colors, printer, font  size, etc. You can change those too if you want to customize anything else...

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