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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: duplicate sequence numbers  (Read 1221 times)


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duplicate sequence numbers
« on: January 20, 2005, 03:46:09 pm »

client states:

With regard to my problem. I have the Licence admin on my machine and
everytime I had to add in a new PC I had to add it to the admin
program.Since my machine has the licence admin program on it I have also
added in the Telnet Pro onto it. Does this count as a user? If yes then I
have used up all 10 sequence numbers. If not please let me know then I will
delete it from Licence admin program then it should give me an extra number
to use.

I have not added in the sequence numbers manually. All I use to do was add
in the user on admin then via the network I used to pick the configuration
from my machine. I never had a problem before.
But this time when I tried to pick up the configuration from my machine via
the network it gave me the error indicating I had specified the wrong path
or that I did not have authority to access the file. So I had to copy the
config file, licence file and data file onto a disk and then copy it to the
PC. So it looks like it is picking up the wrong sequence number hence the


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duplicate sequence numbers
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2005, 09:54:41 am »

client states:

With regard to my problem. I have the Licence admin on my machine and
everytime I had to add in a new PC I had to add it to the admin
program.Since my machine has the licence admin program on it I have also
added in the Telnet Pro onto it. Does this count as a user? If yes then I
have used up all 10 sequence numbers. If not please let me know then I will
delete it from Licence admin program then it should give me an extra number
to use.
If you use telnet PRO on THAT machine then you must use up a license. If you don't run telnet PRO on that machine you can delete the user from licenseadmin.

NOTE: You should NEVER manually add machines/users to licenseadmin. Let configwizard do that!

I have not added in the sequence numbers manually. All I use to do was add
in the user on admin then via the network I used to pick the configuration
from my machine. I never had a problem before.
But this time when I tried to pick up the configuration from my machine via
the network it gave me the error indicating I had specified the wrong path
or that I did not have authority to access the file. So I had to copy the
config file, licence file and data file onto a disk and then copy it to the
PC. So it looks like it is picking up the wrong sequence number hence the

If you move the config file, licence file and data file onto a disk to use to get a sequence number from another machine you MUST copy the license folder back to your licenseadmin server afterwards or you won't have an accurate license folder on the licenseadmin machine.

What you REALLY should do is delete all 10 users from licenseadmin on your license server machine then run configwizard on each PC by BROWSING to your licenseadmin server and running it from there (under TCP5_USER->TCP-Pro or TCP5_USER->TCP4-32)

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