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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: ICElpconfig under Win XP Pro doesn't modify correctly  (Read 1818 times)


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ICElpconfig under Win XP Pro doesn't modify correctly
« on: June 13, 2008, 02:29:57 pm »

When using icelpconfig for a new install, everything is as I've typed it in. When I run it again and try to make a change, it usually screws up, either doesn't save the change or does some other crazy change. If I go into the text file icetcp and manually make the change, then everything is fine. Any ideas?


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Re: ICElpconfig under Win XP Pro doesn't modify correctly
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2008, 02:51:33 pm »

That's an ancient version.
You could look for things to avoid like printers with really long names or with non-standard (read: weird) characters in their names.

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