I was able to get this user back up and running.
I have another user with same issue though. Windows XP Home edition SP2 using AVG antivirus (free version)
Launched TCP Plus "DejaWint" and it just hangs. I checked the configuration and it points to the host IP address. I plugged the IP address into my client and it goes straight through whereas hers just hangs. I had her check the connection on another PC in her office. It goes straight through as well. So it is narrowed down to just her machine. I removed the application through Add-Remove Programs. I then went through the registry to make sure everything was pulled out from there. And finally, I had her delete the J. River folder from Program Files. Then we re-installed and changed the sequence number to the appropriate one. We entered the host IP address and launched. It still hangs. I removed the entry in Windows Firewall and then manually put the executible into the exceptions. Lauched the application and it still hangs. She uses the free version of AVG antivirus which is not equiped with a firewall.
What else is there that I can do, check, remove, etc. so that she can get this thing to work? She was able to connect on Friday last week.