Windows > Television

Australia TV Setup

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--- Quote from: JimH on September 15, 2020, 10:14:02 pm ---Or rank them so MC knows what order to run them in.
--- End quote ---

Ranking them, or re-ordering then up or down, makes sense. It would help in the readability of the dialogue.

But in the case or OTA, there needs to be time (~30 minutes) for it to finish before the next collection starts. Currently it appears that multiple collections can run at the same time, and as OTA take much longer than (seconds), OTA ends up overwriting the EPG.

If they were ranked and only one could run at a time, that might be sufficient.

Currently, OTA scanning is always done after all online modes finish, precisely because OTA takes much longer time.

Therefore OTA will always overwrite other data, if you let it update a particular channel.  You either allow OTA to run on all channels, and overwrite other data,  or you can specify that OTA only run on channels that does not - check the option "In over-the-air EPG scan, save programs for channels with empty XMLTV IDs only".

So if I understand you correctly, you want OTA to start and finish early, so that can overwrite OTA.  That way if is missing data here and there, you already have OTA data.  But as long as has data, it trumps OTA data. 

There is actually a work-around for this situation currently.  Instead of picking a global start time at a specified hours and minutes, you can just pick "Default" from the Hours drop-down list.  What it means is next start time will happen x hours from the scan that just has finished now.  With that, say if you choose 24 hours as your interval for both, you can manually start OTA scan at 3 pm and let it finish.  It will run again at 3 pm the next day.  Similarly, you can run at 10 pm manually.  The next day it will happen again at 10 pm.  This approach however has the tendency  to push the start time later and later (because for example the online collection fails due to network condition, it may retry later, causing the next collection time to be later too).  If you separate the two schedules sufficiently far apart, this might not be an issue.

Multiple collections do not run simultaneously.  They are run one by one, with OTA last.

Okay, thanks Yaobing. The collection is so fast it appeared like they ran together.

I didn't set the option "In over-the-air EPG scan, save programs for channels with empty XMLTV IDs only" because I didn't really understand that "save programs" meant "save EPG data for programs", and I didn't look it up.

I shall test again.

Thanks Gents:
- Turns out I have "In over-the-air EPG scan, save programs for channels with empty XMLTV IDs only" already checked (so explains why my setup works with Multiple XML Guilds + OTA).
- Good tip on the "Slow" double click to edit the "TV XMLTV ID" (I'll fix my post)

I still think the idea "suggested in Reply #27. i.e. Provide a "Start At" and "Repeat" time period for each EPG collection method/Mode" makes it much easier for users to get their head around how to schedule multiple EPG loading.


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