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Author Topic: Feature request: Equalizer accessible outside of the tools/options dialogue...  (Read 5722 times)


  • World Citizen
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I think we've talked about this before. It would be wonderful if we can manipulate the graphic or parametric equalizers outside of the tools/options window, while the program is playing. It would be wonderful to have named presets for the equalizers that can be easily accessed and switched between during playback. I may have an EQ that's needed for playback of one blu-ray and not for another. So presets would be wonderful.


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You can open the DSP window with the EQ over various ways, the easiest is probably the Audio Path icon, no need to use the option window for that.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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You can also right click on the top bar and add DSP Studio to the top bar for an easy one-click access to DSP Studio without going through the options menu.

Additionally, you can already save and load presets (there's a load/save button in the lower right hand corner of the DSP Studio window).


  • World Citizen
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You can also right click on the top bar and add DSP Studio to the top bar for an easy one-click access to DSP Studio without going through the options menu.

Additionally, you can already save and load presets (there's a load/save button in the lower right hand corner of the DSP Studio window).

Thanks for that information. I'll check it out. Oh... what about if you are playing a movie. It would be nice to have the EQualizer overlay the movie without having to shrink the video while adjusting EQ.


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I have a hot key assigned to DSP studio so it will bring up the DSP dialog no matter where I am.  Mapping keys is kind of "difficult" in that it requires quite a few steps.  It's not rocket science, but it's a lot of details.  I recently helped another forum member through the process and it took about 12 posts and 3 days, but he eventually got everything mapped that he wanted.

I'm not sure this helps, but it's what I've done.



  • World Citizen
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I have a hot key assigned to DSP studio so it will bring up the DSP dialog no matter where I am.  Mapping keys is kind of "difficult" in that it requires quite a few steps.  It's not rocket science, but it's a lot of details.  I recently helped another forum member through the process and it took about 12 posts and 3 days, but he eventually got everything mapped that he wanted.

I'm not sure this helps, but it's what I've done.


You betcha, Brian! It would help a lot. I have already learned how to map keys. I am currently on Mac. All I need to know is the structure of this command to make DSP studio appear/disappear.

I am currently on the Mac side with MC21 and perhaps that's the obstacle, but I cannot seem to program the appearance of DSP studio with a hotkey.

In resource.xml, I do not know how to comment out a line so I removed the previous lines with ctrl-6 (on mac, command-6) and assigned them to here:

  <!-- DSP Studio -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;6" Command="10016" Text="DSP Studio..." />

On the mac this changes something in the Display area so it says "The display is detached. Double-click here to bring it back." And in fact command-6 toggles that message. So I don't really know how to invoke DSP studio with a hot key. Sorry.


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^ You need to put your key mappings *above* the closing Accelerators tag.  Like this:

Code: [Select]
    <!-- DSP Studio -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;6" Command="10016" Param="0" />


Note that the sample file that JRiver tells you to download has a bunch of sample key mappings in it.  One of it's key mappings is already using Ctrl;6 .  You'll need to remove that line, or comment it out, as it seems that the first entry for a key in that file wins.  It wasn't working on my system until I commented that line out.

You probably already know this, but in that file, Ctrl doesn't mean the Mac Control key.  It means the Command key, AKA Apple key, or Clover key (if you go WAY back).  :)  Good luck.  Let us know how you do.



  • World Citizen
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Thanks, Big Entry. That did the trick, on the Mac. I'll check it out on the PC shortly. I wish I understood what the 'accelerators" are and why they are in a separate section and why the dsp studio did not appear until it was in the tag section above it.


^ You need to put your key mappings *above* the closing Accelerators tag.  Like this:

Code: [Select]
    <!-- DSP Studio -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;6" Command="10016" Param="0" />


Note that the sample file that JRiver tells you to download has a bunch of sample key mappings in it.  One of it's key mappings is already using Ctrl;6 .  You'll need to remove that line, or comment it out, as it seems that the first entry for a key in that file wins.  It wasn't working on my system until I commented that line out.

You probably already know this, but in that file, Ctrl doesn't mean the Mac Control key.  It means the Command key, AKA Apple key, or Clover key (if you go WAY back).  :)  Good luck.  Let us know how you do.



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I wish I understood what the 'accelerators" are and why they are in a separate section and why the dsp studio did not appear until it was in the tag section above it.

Accelerators is MC's code word for "hot keys".  As in, they "accelerate" your use of the program because hot keys are faster than mouse clicks on menus.  :)  So all keyboard mappings (the <entry Key.... > stuff) have to be between <accelerators> and </accelerators> markers.  Those are the opening and closing tags for that section of the file. If you put <entry key> *outside* of that section, MC doesn't know what to do with it. 

You have now moved your key definition to the correct part of the file so MC would know how to handle it.

BTW, you're the only other person that's called me Big Entry based on my forum name.  You don't live in Thailand do you?  (Joking.  That's where the other guy lives.)  :)



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A much more convenient solution would be to have DSP access on JRemote.  :)

DBX provides apps to control their DriveRack products.

MOTU is different in that each device has a built in web server. You can then access and control the audio device with anything that has a web browser and is on the same network. You can even open up multiple browser windows and and have window set to different mixes or routing (mains, monitors, headphones, computer).



  • World Citizen
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Brian... how would I know what your name is from your posts  :-). I'll try to remember your name is Brian but this forum name business drives me batty...

As for accelerators, please explain what the extra entries below the closing markers are?  after </accelerators>:

Are these invalid keystrokes that do nothing functionally in the resource file....  very puzzling XML structure to a guy who's trying to decipher it.

    <!-- Play/Pause -->
    <Entry Key="Space" Command="10000" Param="0" TranslateFlags="21" />
    <!-- Next and Previous track -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;Right" Command="10003" Param="0" TranslateFlags="21" />
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;Left" Command="10004" Param="0" TranslateFlags="21" />
    <!-- Show Now Playing -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;N" Command="10013" Param="1" />
    <!-- Ratings Commands with Alt/Option 0 to clear 1 through 5 to rate -->
    <Entry Key="Alt;0" Command="10023" Param="0" />
    <Entry Key="Alt;1" Command="10023" Param="1" />
    <Entry Key="Alt;2" Command="10023" Param="2" />
    <Entry Key="Alt;3" Command="10023" Param="3" />
    <Entry Key="Alt;4" Command="10023" Param="4" />
    <Entry Key="Alt;5" Command="10023" Param="5" />
    <!-- Volume Up and Down 5% -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;Up" Command="10018" Param="1" />
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;Down" Command="10019" Param="1" />

Accelerators is MC's code word for "hot keys".  As in, they "accelerate" your use of the program because hot keys are faster than mouse clicks on menus.  :)  So all keyboard mappings (the <entry Key.... > stuff) have to be between <accelerators> and </accelerators> markers.  Those are the opening and closing tags for that section of the file. If you put <entry key> *outside* of that section, MC doesn't know what to do with it. 

You have now moved your key definition to the correct part of the file so MC would know how to handle it.

BTW, you're the only other person that's called me Big Entry based on my forum name.  You don't live in Thailand do you?  (Joking.  That's where the other guy lives.)  :)



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As for accelerators, please explain what the extra entries below the closing markers are?  after </accelerators>:

Ok, I read those and thought they looked familiar... those are MY mappings from my Resource.xml file that I posted a few months ago!  :)  But the <Entry Key ...> tags are in the wrong place.  All of those belong inside the pair of accelerator tags like:
Code: [Select]

    <!-- DSP Studio -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;D" Command="10016" Param="0" />
    <!-- Play/Pause -->
    <Entry Key="Space" Command="10000" Param="0" TranslateFlags="21" />
    <!-- Next and Previous track -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;Right" Command="10003" Param="0" TranslateFlags="21" />
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;Left" Command="10004" Param="0" TranslateFlags="21" />
    <!-- Show Now Playing -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;N" Command="10013" Param="1" />


If I had to guess why yours are below the closing accelerators tag, I would *guess* a cut and paste error that put them in the wrong place.  They definitely belong inside the markers as I have shown.  As far as I know.  If you move those entries up inside the accelerators tags, they should work.



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Next build will have this:
NEW: Ctrl+D opens DSP Studio.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • World Citizen
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Thanks for clarifying, Brian. Who knows who or when they got mangled but now it makes perfect sense.


Ok, I read those and thought they looked familiar... those are MY mappings from my Resource.xml file that I posted a few months ago!  :)  But the <Entry Key ...> tags are in the wrong place.  All of those belong inside the pair of accelerator tags like:
Code: [Select]

    <!-- DSP Studio -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;D" Command="10016" Param="0" />
    <!-- Play/Pause -->
    <Entry Key="Space" Command="10000" Param="0" TranslateFlags="21" />
    <!-- Next and Previous track -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;Right" Command="10003" Param="0" TranslateFlags="21" />
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;Left" Command="10004" Param="0" TranslateFlags="21" />
    <!-- Show Now Playing -->
    <Entry Key="Ctrl;N" Command="10013" Param="1" />


If I had to guess why yours are below the closing accelerators tag, I would *guess* a cut and paste error that put them in the wrong place.  They definitely belong inside the markers as I have shown.  As far as I know.  If you move those entries up inside the accelerators tags, they should work.



  • World Citizen
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A much more convenient solution would be to have DSP access on JRemote.  :)

Yes! I'd even be willing to pay for a separate app if it's too difficult to implement in JRemote or if it would make it too complicated for "normal" users. This would be absolutely perfect!


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Yes! I'd even be willing to pay for a separate app if it's too difficult to implement in JRemote or if it would make it too complicated for "normal" users. This would be absolutely perfect!

If the app has a great UI, I'd pay extra for that. I also would like an API for the DSP Studio, maybe extend MCWS. That would allow easier implementation of DSP Control in JRemote and I could write an App myself, which suits my needs. Also I'm currently developing a tool for the DSP Studio for myself, because none of the UI feature requests I'm interested in are implemented. At the moment I'm directly altering the Registry, but I would prefer using an official API.
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