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Author Topic: Duplicated Tracks in MC21  (Read 6122 times)


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Duplicated Tracks in MC21
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:27:11 pm »

I am seeing duplicate track listings for some  (not all) albums in my library when selected and displayed for playing in MC21 and on on the Gizmo rendition.

I have checked the music folders and files on my hard drives and no duplicates appear to exist for these tracks. There are also no duplicated folders.

I have had similar problems in the past when auto-import is looking at two identical libraries, one held on C:drive and the other on e.g. an external drive ( D). In this case there are no music files held on the C drive although I note that JRiver appears to auto create some backups in the documents folder.

As I only want the files held on the D drive to populate JRiver I have now configured auto-import  to look only at the D drive. However the duplicates at track level remain. Could it be that the old (duplicate) files are not being purged?

Not only are there visual duplicates of the tracks , JRiver also plays both copies consecutively.

Your advice would be much appreciated.


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Re: Duplicated Tracks in MC21
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2015, 03:58:49 pm »

As I only want the files held on the D drive to populate JRiver I have now configured auto-import  to look only at the D drive. However the duplicates at track level remain. Could it be that the old (duplicate) files are not being purged?

I would guess yes.  If you had some directories on C: in auto import and some on D:, and then you removed the auto import definitions for C:, it would NOT remove the music files from the library.  It would only Stop looking at those dirs for auto import.

The easy way to do this is to verify that your theory is correct.  Find an album with duplicates.  Then hover over one of the songs and note the file name and what drive it's on.  Now do the same for a duplicated song with the same title and note it's file name and drive.  One of them is likely to be in a directory you don't want MC to use any more (C: drive).  Do this for a handful of your duplicates and make sure you know where they are.  This is to verify that your duplicates are on C: (or where ever they are).

Once you've done that, you can easily delete all of the duplicates from MC's library.  There are several methods for doing this.  Come back after you figure out where the dupes are, and we can help you (if necessary) to delete the dupes.

Good luck.



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Re: Duplicated Tracks in MC21
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2015, 01:57:59 am »

Many thanks Brian.

I have checked the location of the "master" and duplicate tracks and both are shown on drive D. As mentioned earlier there are no music files held on C, all are on an external drive. Or, rather 2 external drives, one master and one backup. Only one is connected to the server computer at any time.

There had been a duplicate number of files created in error on D when making a backup. However these have been removed. Nevertheless the duplicate tracks are still appearing in MC21. They are therfore . effectively, an historic "ghost" of  earlier library content. These need to be cleared from MC21 so that only the up to date content of drive D appears.

I have checked both master and backup for duplicates and took the opportunity to rectify a couple of other small errors in e.g. metadata whilst doing this. Therefore the easist thing would be if MC 21 could be refreshed overall and then for it to re-import the entire "cleaned up" library. Is that possible? Alternatively what other solution can you suggest?




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Re: Duplicated Tracks in MC21
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2015, 07:09:55 am »

Further to my earlier posting today above, I have also checked settings in "Import & tagging"   and "update for external changes" is selected although it may not be relevant to track data ( not being sure how much information is changed within MC 21 relating to "external changes", is it just  tags?).


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Re: Duplicated Tracks in MC21
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2015, 08:39:36 am »

Last question first, then I'll get to the earlier one...

Further to my earlier posting today above, I have also checked settings in "Import & tagging"   and "update for external changes" is selected although it may not be relevant to track data ( not being sure how much information is changed within MC 21 relating to "external changes", is it just  tags?).

Update for external changes just monitors tags, as you have guessed.  If you remove files, the setting that controls what MC does is "fix broken links".  When set to YES it deletes library entries for externally deleted files.



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Re: Duplicated Tracks in MC21
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2015, 08:43:42 am »

There had been a duplicate number of files created in error on D when making a backup. However these have been removed. Nevertheless the duplicate tracks are still appearing in MC21. They are therfore . effectively, an historic "ghost" of  earlier library content. These need to be cleared from MC21 so that only the up to date content of drive D appears.

Hmm, that's hard to envision.  A screen shot, showing both a "master" and a duplicate file, showing full filenames would help me to try to sort this out.  Or just cut and paste a few file names of masters and duplicates?

Therefore the easist thing would be if MC 21 could be refreshed overall and then for it to re-import the entire "cleaned up" library. Is that possible?

If you don't care about play count, skip count, or any other MC data that is NOT in the file tags, you can just clear the library and start from scratch.  Then do a fresh auto import on only the directory(s) you care about and you should be done.  File > Library > Clear Library .  Make a backup first in case you change your mind.  File > Library > Backup library .



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Re: Duplicated Tracks in MC21
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2015, 11:22:38 am »

How do I load a screenshot here? I do not see a "paste" option when right clicking just "inspect element" .  I think I will try the clear library option but await your response first.



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Re: Duplicated Tracks in MC21
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2015, 12:07:20 pm »

To attach an image, use the Additional Options button just below where you type your response.  You'll see an Attach button after you go into additional options.  From there you can go find your screen shot on your desktop or where ever it happens to be.

Clearing the library might be fastest.  But I always want to get to the root of the problem.  It's the technician in me I guess.  :)



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Re: Duplicated Tracks in MC21
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2015, 01:00:10 pm »

Well I can't easily save a page shot on  the server computer running JRiver as it is dedicated to computer music and has none  of the usual utilities (like any form of document creator) where I could save the screen print to attach it later  So I will just type an example of what I see :

Album is Jimmy Smith “Organ Grinder Swing”:

Name                 Artist        Album         Rating   Genre   Dur  File  Date Filename

The Organ Grin...Jimmy S...Organ GR..***..    Jazz    1 2:16  flac  1965 D:\Music\Jimmy Smith..etc   
The Organ Grin...Jimmy S...Organ GR..***..    Jazz    1 2:16  flac  1965 D:\Music\Music\Jimmy Smith..etc   
Oh No Babe...Jimmy S...Organ GR..***..      Jazz    2 9:10  flac  1965 D:\Music\Jimmy Smith..etc   
Oh No Babe...Jimmy S...Organ GR..***..      Jazz    2 9:10  flac  1965 D:\Music\Music\Jimmy Smith..etc
Blues for J..Jimmy S...Organ GR..***..      Jazz   3 5:19  flac  1965 D:\Music\Jimmy Smith..etc   
Blues for J..Jimmy S...Organ GR..***..      Jazz    3  5:19  flac  1965 D:\Music\Music\Jimmy Smith..etc   

And so on for the rest of the album.

You will see the second copy of each track has a file path that includes a subfolder “Music”. This was the duplicate created in error ( see my earlier postings) and has been deleted. However the track listing remains even though that path no longer exists.

I hope this helps




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Re: Duplicated Tracks in MC21
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2015, 01:12:31 pm »

OK, I cleared the library and then added back the link to the D drive. Seems to have done the trick. Brian, many thnks for your help.



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Re: Duplicated Tracks in MC21
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2015, 02:52:19 pm »

Glad to have helped.  Too bad I didn't get to respond sooner.  I'll tell you how I would have done it, just for future reference.

It sounds like what you really wanted to do, was to tell MC to get rid of all references to the files it knew about in D:\Music\Music .  Here's one way of doing that:

Go to a view where you can see all of your files.  Like Audio > Files.
In the search box at the upper right, type:  D:\Music\Music.
Verify that these files showing are the duplicates you want to get rid of.
Highlight them all.  Press delete.  Confirm that you want them deleted from the MC library.

That would probably have solved your issue.  But I'm glad the clear and re-import worked too.  :)

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