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Author Topic: DTS FLAC File Playback all static  (Read 12936 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« on: October 13, 2015, 09:22:54 pm »

I have a handful of DTS multi channel files encoded into FLAC (the old DTS CD files like the Police, Don Henley, etc).  Anyway I try and play them through MC21 into my Multi ch DAC then into my Parasound P7 preamp and all I get is static?

All other multi CH FLAC files I have such as DVD-A rips etc even SACD files work perfectly.  I have most settings as default, no bitsreaming, etc.  I assumed JRiver would send the PCM signal out as any other FLAC file.

Running Win 10




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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2015, 02:47:46 am »

DTS in containers are a PITA.  Here is an old thread of how to convert them (it was for DTS in WAV not DTS in FLAC but it may the the same process)

If you upload a sample somewhere we can confirm...
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2015, 12:29:32 pm »

DTS in containers are a PITA.  Here is an old thread of how to convert them (it was for DTS in WAV not DTS in FLAC but it may the the same process)

If you upload a sample somewhere we can confirm...

Cool!  I will give it a shot and report back!


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2015, 01:45:08 pm »

Change the extension to .dts and then try decoding (Set File Types > dts to the Playback Method of "JRiver video engine (using DirectShow filters)".

Like jmone said, if you have a sample file more of us could do some testing. I no longer have any of my DTS audio files and can't seem to find any easily on the internet.


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2015, 02:00:38 pm »

Change the extension to .dts and then try decoding (Set File Types > dts to the Playback Method of "JRiver video engine (using DirectShow filters)".

Like jmone said, if you have a sample file more of us could do some testing. I no longer have any of my DTS audio files and can't seem to find any easily on the internet.

I can give this a try as well!  Am I able to attach a file for you guys?  I am not sure what file types can be included on this board?


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2015, 03:01:13 pm »

Best to Upload one to Drop Box etc and send as a PM with the link.
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2015, 07:46:09 pm »

Change the extension to .dts and then try decoding (Set File Types > dts to the Playback Method of "JRiver video engine (using DirectShow filters)".

Like jmone said, if you have a sample file more of us could do some testing. I no longer have any of my DTS audio files and can't seem to find any easily on the internet.

This did not work.  I will PM you guys a link to the file in Dropbox!

Let me know if you can figure it out.


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2015, 08:47:40 pm »

Well... that is an Ugly file!  It seems to be a DTS in WAV in FLAC and none of the MC play options I tried will work. 

The only way I could get at it was to do the following:

1) Extract : DTS WAV from FLAC
  - Use eac3to with the command "eac3to.exe name.flac name.raw" on each file (or make a batch file to do a folders worth at a time).
  - rename "name.raw" --> "name.wav"

2) You can then import these wav files into MC and the play just fine / convert them to FLAC etc   
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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2015, 08:59:49 pm »

FYI ... you don't even have to do this step   - rename "name.raw" --> "name.wav"

But I'd suggest you do convert them in MC to "real" flac!
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2015, 09:06:26 pm »

Well... that is an Ugly file!  It seems to be a DTS in WAV in FLAC and none of the MC play options I tried will work. 

The only way I could get at it was to do the following:

1) Extract : DTS WAV from FLAC
  - Use eac3to with the command "eac3to.exe name.flac name.raw" on each file (or make a batch file to do a folders worth at a time).
  - rename "name.raw" --> "name.wav"

2) You can then import these wav files into MC and the play just fine / convert them to FLAC etc   

I apologize but I have no idea how to use EAC in a command line??  Sorry.  I may need a bit more guidance here:)


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2015, 09:08:06 pm »

I'll see if I can make you a quick batch file - one sec...
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2015, 09:14:54 pm »

FYI ... you don't even have to do this step   - rename "name.raw" --> "name.wav"

But I'd suggest you do convert them in MC to "real" flac!

Tried this too, no luck.  All I did was change the original FLAC file I had it in to "name.raw" by simply editing the file extension then did it again to "name.wav" still static.



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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2015, 09:15:41 pm »

I'll see if I can make you a quick batch file - one sec...

You guys are awesome, thanks for helping me out!  I only have a handful of these DTS tracks....thankfully:)

edit - I looked and I only have 3 albums of these surround DTS files (about 1500mb's worth).  Hell, worst case scenario I could upload them to drop box and maybe you guys could do them as a batch?  Might be too much data though......



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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2015, 09:20:40 pm »

Ok -
1) Download eac3to - and extract it to a folder
2) Download the attached, and extract the batch file to the same folder as above
3) copy your FLAC files to this folder (one album at a time to keep things easy)
4) double click and "RunMe.Bat"

It should then make for you a copy with the extension RAW that you can then import into MC, Covert, Tag etc.
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2015, 09:29:20 pm »

Ok -
1) Download eac3to - and extract it to a folder
2) Download the attached, and extract the batch file to the same folder as above
3) copy your FLAC files to this folder (one album at a time to keep things easy)
4) double click and "RunMe.Bat"

It should then make for you a copy with the extension RAW that you can then import into MC, Covert, Tag etc.

Trying it now!


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2015, 09:34:08 pm »

It worked!  Awesome!  Thank you so much!  I will keep your batch file for future use if need be.


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2015, 09:47:59 pm »

No probs - I would suggest you don't keep these RAW files but once imported into MC, use the "Convert Format" function to make proper flac encoded files.  They will be twice the size but will then be compatible with anything that can play flac.  The raw files are only playing thanks to the DirectShow filters in MC as they are decoding the DTS on the fly.
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2015, 09:55:29 pm »

So a correction....
Only one album worked out of 3.  For some reason the other 2 had no data such as sample rate, number of channels, bitrate, etc when I was looking at them in MC?? 
The 3 albums I have are:

Don Henley - worked! EDIT - except the one track with 7 channels, track number 1 "end of the innocence"  weird.  I tried converting to FLAC, WAV, it fails every time
The Police - nope
Eagles - nope

I am uploading them to dropbox now so you can take a peek.  It may take a while.


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2015, 01:16:04 am »

?? I'm not sure what bit is not working for you.

I tried the "Eagles - Hell Freezes Over DTS - 01. Tequila Sunrise.flac" and the same method extracted it to a RAW file that then played in MC correctly for me.

Edit: and MC then converted it to FLAC perfectly as well.
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2015, 06:33:20 am »

?? I'm not sure what bit is not working for you.

I tried the "Eagles - Hell Freezes Over DTS - 01. Tequila Sunrise.flac" and the same method extracted it to a RAW file that then played in MC correctly for me.

Edit: and MC then converted it to FLAC perfectly as well.

Tried the process again this morning and the same result?  The file as displayed in MC looks empty......No 6 channels, sample rate, bit depth, etc. 

Any other suggestions?


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2015, 02:20:13 pm »

1) Does the RAW file Play in MC
2) Can you use MC to convert it to FLAC
3) Does the converted FLAC Version play and then have all the details?
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Don Henley DTS-ES CD
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2015, 01:10:40 am »

Hi there - I have the End of The Innocence by Don Henley DTS-CD and can confirm that the first track, and only the first, is a DTS-ES file. This is stated on the back cover.

This means it is a 6.1 file (I can't remember if it is DTS ES matrix or discrete, however. I would be 99% certain that due to the bitrate restriction of a CDDA disc holding a 44.1 DTS file, it will be matrixed)

I transcoded the 44.1 / 24 bit files from DTS to FLAC (They are all 5.1 EXCEPT track one where I wanted a 7.1 file)
I used EAC3to to do this.

My Oppo BDP-105 EU would not play the 7.1 FLAC file, despite me trying many, many times to convert it used dBPoweramp, JRIver, EAC3to.

Because I do not have a single other 7.1 audio file, I seem to recall upconverting a different 5.1 track to a 7.1 FLAC just to test 7.1 FLAC playback and it failed to play.
Eventually I gave up and simply left it as a 7.1 WAV file where the rest of the album is 5.1 FLAC. (I spent a few hours scratching my head on this one track!!!!)
I figure now that even if JRiver plays 7.1 FLAC (I haven't tested), for compatibility, the PCM WAV file is better!




  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2015, 10:55:34 am »

1) Does the RAW file Play in MC
2) Can you use MC to convert it to FLAC
3) Does the converted FLAC Version play and then have all the details?

The raw file seems to have no data?
MC will convert it but the file has no data.

I uploaded the tracks to my Dropbox account so maybe take a look.


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Re: Don Henley DTS-ES CD
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2015, 11:01:14 am »

Hi there - I have the End of The Innocence by Don Henley DTS-CD and can confirm that the first track, and only the first, is a DTS-ES file. This is stated on the back cover.

This means it is a 6.1 file (I can't remember if it is DTS ES matrix or discrete, however. I would be 99% certain that due to the bitrate restriction of a CDDA disc holding a 44.1 DTS file, it will be matrixed)

I transcoded the 44.1 / 24 bit files from DTS to FLAC (They are all 5.1 EXCEPT track one where I wanted a 7.1 file)
I used EAC3to to do this.

My Oppo BDP-105 EU would not play the 7.1 FLAC file, despite me trying many, many times to convert it used dBPoweramp, JRIver, EAC3to.

Because I do not have a single other 7.1 audio file, I seem to recall upconverting a different 5.1 track to a 7.1 FLAC just to test 7.1 FLAC playback and it failed to play.
Eventually I gave up and simply left it as a 7.1 WAV file where the rest of the album is 5.1 FLAC. (I spent a few hours scratching my head on this one track!!!!)
I figure now that even if JRiver plays 7.1 FLAC (I haven't tested), for compatibility, the PCM WAV file is better!


Good to know that it's not just me struggling with that track:).  I'm hoping to get this figured out soon!  Thanks for the help!


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2015, 05:58:56 am »

Ok - tested all your files and you need to wait till Media Center 21.0.17 is out.  There is a fix to the RAW filter that will let you use the conversion method I posted for both the "Police" and the "Eagles" tracks.  Once converted to RAW they all imported then converted to FLAC correctly with the exception of the one "Don Henley" track that will play as a RAW file but as you have found will not convert.

In speaking with Hendrik, this use of the RAW reader is actually designed for Images, but MC is somehow cleaver enough to use this to read the file then feed it via LAV Filters for decoding and playback/conversion.  So apart from that on "Don Henley" track make sure you don't keep the RAW files!
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2015, 09:46:12 pm »

Ok - tested all your files and you need to wait till Media Center 21.0.17 is out.  There is a fix to the RAW filter that will let you use the conversion method I posted for both the "Police" and the "Eagles" tracks.  Once converted to RAW they all imported then converted to FLAC correctly with the exception of the one "Don Henley" track that will play as a RAW file but as you have found will not convert.

In speaking with Hendrik, this use of the RAW reader is actually designed for Images, but MC is somehow cleaver enough to use this to read the file then feed it via LAV Filters for decoding and playback/conversion.  So apart from that on "Don Henley" track make sure you don't keep the RAW files!

Once again , thank you!  All the tracks worked except the Don Henley one.  Is there a setting in MC I need to change in order for that RAW file to play correctly?  MC just crashed when I tried it......and yes I did upgrade to MC 21.0.17.



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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2015, 10:16:27 pm »

Works for me - Can try changing the extention from RAW to DTS.  Does it play?
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Re: DTS FLAC File Playback all static
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2015, 10:56:51 pm »

FYI - The Don Henley track is a 6.1 DTS-ES track and from memory I think that is not a supported layout for FLAC.  I had no issue converting it to a lossless 7.1 however it is now a big file.
JRiver CEO Elect
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