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Author Topic: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?  (Read 4654 times)


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Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:50:16 am »

So i'm finally all sorted for music/movies/kids/foreign language/etc.  Tag's and the like. Super happy with the tricks i've learned.

However, I'm at a bit of a loss now.

I've got a Theatre view based on Artist name and then Album.  The problem is the Artist art image is blank/black. It isn't until I go into the Artist's folder that the album's have images.

Is there a way to give a generic (ie not tied to an album) image for the artist?



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Re: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2015, 10:52:22 am »

Forgot to say that I looked at this

But unable to get it to work properly


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Re: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2015, 09:56:53 am »

Ok, after fiddling around (and reading more)

I figured that I have to have a Series view, if I want ...Cover Art\SeriesName.jpg to be read.

Now the problem I have is that I have about 2000 different artists.  How do I get the images (default, not album name) for those artists? Is there a collective or a .zip file that has them all?

What about if I have my view sorted by Album Artist and not Artist, it doesn't seem to work (ie read the thumbnail)


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Re: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2015, 07:19:47 pm »

I've read that you can get Artist art on the Cover Art menu, using "Get artist images from".  I've tried that and had no success.  It's not a big thing for me, so I haven't really researched it.  I see files being created in my Artists directory with names ending in random three letter sequences.

But all I see in my Artists views are album covers.  If an artist has multiple albums, I see album covers overlaid.  They change from cover to cover if I hover my mouse pointer over them.  That's good enough for me really, but I'm curious about using specific artist images. 



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Re: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2015, 08:31:06 pm »

I've read that you can get Artist art on the Cover Art menu, using "Get artist images from".  I've tried that and had no success.  It's not a big thing for me, so I haven't really researched it.  I see files being created in my Artists directory with names ending in random three letter sequences.

But all I see in my Artists views are album covers.  If an artist has multiple albums, I see album covers overlaid.  They change from cover to cover if I hover my mouse pointer over them.  That's good enough for me really, but I'm curious about using specific artist images. 


Hi Brian... Indeed the "Get artist images from"  but that will bring in photos and fan type images such as red carpet events, concert photo's etc. While that's great and they end in those "random three letter sequences".  The issue is the photo's don't say the names of the artists quite often so I end up with a random guitar player looking photo.  Not ideal for me.

I've been trying to download the album Art using some 3rd party tools and that's working as you mention with them being overlaid. I'd like to find a single image that depicts the band/artist/DJ/etc.   Just one so when i'm going through my list of artists I see the image with a name and go "oh yeah, it's ______" and hte name is underneath. Also helps with other family members.

I'm really trying to avoid doing any of this manually


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Re: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2015, 11:39:38 pm »

I started this thread some time ago.
It looks like imageByName project is completely dead now. 8(

But i did find a mirror to some of it's files.



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Re: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2015, 12:58:36 am »

I started this thread some time ago.
It looks like imageByName project is completely dead now. 8(

But i did find a mirror to some of it's files.

Great stuff Castius.   I've found some utilities to find the album art (Album Art Downloader) and it saves the Folder.jpg directly. Works great

However, the people/named artist jpg's are what I'm hoping to find in "People Wave 1.7z" --- Do you know of anywhere else that may have tools or a large list of artist images in thumbnail?


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Re: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2015, 07:22:25 pm »

Have not been able to find any current compilations of artists images.

I wonder if we can get 10 people to do 10 images a day for a few weeks?

10*10*14 = 140 each or 1,400 collectively.   Would be a good start.

Define image size, dimensions as to the thumbnail sizes of JRiver.


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Re: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2015, 10:53:56 pm »

When i used subsonic. It was nice to have a quick access to google image search.
If you see missing art you just clicked change and it pulled up a google each based on that album name.
I know you can copy paste in MC. But this was much faster and more flexible.

If i had this for any tag that can have an images linked to it. It would really easy to fill in missing data.

Uploading it back for anyone else to use would be a bit harder but doable.


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Re: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2015, 07:41:29 am »

When i used subsonic. It was nice to have a quick access to google image search.
If you see missing art you just clicked change and it pulled up a google each based on that album name.
I know you can copy paste in MC. But this was much faster and more flexible.

If i had this for any tag that can have an images linked to it. It would really easy to fill in missing data.

Uploading it back for anyone else to use would be a bit harder but doable.
The AlbumArtDownloader I mentioned above does exactly as your pic and searches 15-20 providers of images.  Quite simple and easy to save the Folder.jpg into the folder you are selecting for.

Rather than album name, you can just type in Artist name and it'll bring up the logo's, etc.   However, I then have to save them with teh name, requiring me to type it in. Literally thousands of times.

Surely there must be a better way or a consortium that has done this or does everyone just let the first album graphic take over as the band/artist logo?


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Re: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2015, 08:37:57 am »

I'm confused.  I cant' get Artist images to display at all.  Maybe I'm not using the right view?  I've tried building an Albums Categories view from scratch and can't see them at all.  I *do* have a handful of <artist name>.a7q type images showing up in my Artists folder though.

...and on last fm support:  Are you saying the images are "wrong"?  I cant' see them so I can't comment!  :)  The text in the wiki seemed to indicate that the images would be good images because it picks the highest fan rated image, which *should* be a representative picture of the band.



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Re: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2015, 01:57:39 am »

If you put a file with the artist name into your Cover Art\Artists folder with the exact name of the artist, i'll be displayed when in Theatre mode and filtering on Artists.

The problem I have is many of my artists (80%) have no images so it's just text.   If I add a image to the album, it'll show up as artist.  That's ok, it's just that any song titles that have "_____ featuring _____" will show up as artists with no image.  So i've edited a lot of the names.

Maybe i'm the only one that creates views on artists or others are content with "Billboard top 100" image showing up for ArtistX?


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Re: Finally sorted, now handling Art, but Artist?
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2015, 10:20:52 am »

I'm confused.  I cant' get Artist images to display at all.  Maybe I'm not using the right view?  I've tried building an Albums Categories view from scratch and can't see them at all.  I *do* have a handful of <artist name>.a7q type images showing up in my Artists folder though.

Well, it turns out the extensions I was seeing named ".03F", ".3Q5", etc isn't what's supposed to happen.  I just renamed those files to end in .JPG and I can see artist images now!  I'm not sure why they are getting downloaded with those weird extensions, but it's been reported in a build thread, so the devs will almost certainly fix it.  :)

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