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Author Topic: Weird issue, Some artists don't show up [Solved -- server setting for articles]  (Read 2266 times)


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I have JRiver as server running in one room and JRiver running in another as a client. Using latest version of JRemote on iPhone. When connected to the server and I set JRemote to audio, The Beatles and The Beach Boys do not show up (not sure of any other artists that don't show up, I've only noticed these 2 so far). But, when connected to the client both the Beatles and Beach Boys are listed. I've looked at settings under Options > Media Network > Customize views for Gizmo & WebGizmo and see no differences what so ever. Any ideas?!


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Re: Weird issue, Some artists don't show up
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2015, 06:02:47 pm »

MC has an option called "ignore articles in sorting".  If that is turned on, then "a", "the", and words like that are ignored for sort purposes.  So The Beatles will show up in the Bs instead of in the Ts.  I'm not sure how that setting affects JRemote.  If it's not propagated to JRemote, then The Beatles may show up in the Ts, instead of in the Bs.

As double check, do a search for a Beatles song from JRemote and see if it shows up.



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Re: Weird issue, Some artists don't show up
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2015, 06:52:32 pm »

Thanks, Brian. I did have the ignore articles selected in JRemote. However, on the server, I did not have ignore articles selcted in JRiver but did on the client. That was the difference and corrected my issue.

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