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Author Topic: Playlist View - Playlist Filter  (Read 3246 times)


  • World Citizen
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Playlist View - Playlist Filter
« on: October 29, 2015, 10:34:02 pm »

I'm trying to create a view for newly created playlists (think guests coming over) and I want to be able to filter our images, recently added, and my personal playlists.

However, when making a new view (either Theatre mode or in the Media Network for clients) it doesn't seem to work

Since i don't know the name of the Playlist the user has created, I cannot filter on it so I have to add the root of all playlists and try to filter out "eezeetee's playlists" and "recently added" but it doesn't work, it just displays all playlists.

Any ideas?


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Re: Playlist View - Playlist Filter
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2015, 11:47:21 am »

How about using Playlist groups? As long as a playlist is under that heading, you can set up a rule to include all that you want without knowing the name that way.  You might need to create a root tree item if you want to mix media types ... seems like you want images in there too?


  • World Citizen
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Re: Playlist View - Playlist Filter
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2015, 02:00:24 pm »

Hi Arindelle,

Originally, I was only planning on Audio playlists.  But interesting idea.

I'm just wondering though If I indeed cannot filter on a playlist, I'm not sure how a playlist group could work?

I just created a test playlist group, and I would have to know the names of the playlists that someone would enter, right?  Or is there a way to allow a new playlist to be added to a group automatically?
Or did you mean grouping the items I know and excluding those, thus leaving the ones i wouldn't know (newely created) as in the root?



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Re: Playlist View - Playlist Filter
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2015, 06:13:22 am »

ok just audio even easier .. just create a new view under the audio root from the tree (probably a blank one, but you can choose a pre-fab model if you want) (or from the appropriate option area for remote or theater modes). When choosing the categories you want to include choose Playlist Group instead of a tag field. You can also add additional criteria. You can even have all playlist show up create another one and add just one or two of your premade groups or add genres, BPM artists, whatever to further filter ... so yes you can filter on a playlist. Bear in mind two things

1) If you choose to show all playlists (which would inlcude your smartlists  -- some of these can be really cpu intensive (like admin smartlists) I have more than 100K flac audio files and I can crash the program or have to wait 5 minutes for it to show!);  for me I need to choose individual groups as I have a bunch of regex based expression smartlist that load if I choose the "show all" option. You don't want a smartlist searching a big collection to show missing artwork or dead links for example in your view.

2) this will not retain your original sequence order (well there might be ways to do this, but for random -- guests-coming-over stuff this is probably not needed

here's a screenshot, might be easier to understand ??

I just created a test playlist group, and I would have to know the names of the playlists that someone would enter, right?  Or is there a way to allow a new playlist to be added to a group automatically?
Or did you mean grouping the items I know and excluding those, thus leaving the ones i wouldn't know (newely created) as in the root?
sorry I have no idea what you are getting at here  ? Who is someone? The "Someone" has to know how to create a playist, if its not you right? . if they know how to create it they can easily learn how to put it in a group (or you can just drag it into a group later). Now if you are talking about a smartlist -- that's different. But just create it in the groups you are interested in or drag/cut/copy later whatever you prefer. As long as you know the name of the group (or it has a name that is understandable like "dinner music" or "party animal") should be pretty obvious ... you could even add a second tier if need be. Maybe you could be more precise what you want to do with some examples. Have you read the wiki on smartlists and playlists btw? Using the "send to" option by right clicking on tracks might be what you are looking for? Not sure. You could create a "general playlist" group which could be your default ... but that doesn't mean it would be totally automatic. Again not sure what you want to do

To avoid system crashes or views that take a lot of time to load you probably only want to load simple smartlist queries as I said before (like newly imported not played etc) or just normal playlists.You would probably want to change the sort order of the view too (or you could just play all the tracks in random mode), after choosing and/or filtering the lists themselves.

Hope this helps get you started at least :)


  • World Citizen
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Re: Playlist View - Playlist Filter
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2015, 05:12:06 am »

Thank you Arindelle.

That is indeed helpful.  When I create a new playlist, it shows in the root of all playlists. Like your picture.  However, If I have a view that says "all Music playlists" that one will not be there as it's not tagged as a music playlist.

I have a view that shows the root of all playlists and indeed if a guest were to create a playlist, it would show up there.  The problem is that they can see all others if I have to create a view for them to see their own (ie your first arrow - Root of all playlists)

I would like to have a guest/friend/family member to be able to create their own playlist and have a view where people who created said lists can only see those and not the root. I haven't figured out a way to do this. 



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Re: Playlist View - Playlist Filter
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2015, 12:13:37 pm »

sure, no problem :)

I would like to have a guest/friend/family member to be able to create their own playlist and have a view where people who created said lists can only see those and not the root. I haven't figured out a way to do this. 

To do this create a playlist group first -- like Family Playlists. This will then show up like in my screen shot (those are gourps of playlists not individual ones. The for your view, like in the screenshot just choose that one group. Only the playlists in that group will show.

Fo info again right click on the root "PLAYLISTS" from the tree or there is a button to create the group, just in case I was not clear before. If you allow your friends to mess around though, show them how to put the playlist under the created group heading you want .. or do it your self later. 
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