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Author Topic: 2.35:1 Ratio Resolution in MC21 works a treat!  (Read 8582 times)


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2.35:1 Ratio Resolution in MC21 works a treat!
« on: November 13, 2015, 07:55:18 am »

I finally decided to stop stuffing around with screen masks and now have default 2.35:1 screen setup instead 16:9.
Wish I'd done this years ago! MC21 works perfectly.

NVidia custom resolutions are setup with multiple refresh rates set for 1920x812 rez.

JRiver Media Centre in 2.35:1 ratio by Hilton, on Flickr

MC21 has these custom resolutions mapped in video settings.

JRiver Media Centre in 2.35:1 ratio by Hilton, on Flickr

As you can see the resolution works fine for everything and no reason to change it.

JRiver Media Centre in 2.35:1 ratio by Hilton, on Flickr

JRiver Media Centre in 2.35:1 ratio by Hilton, on Flickr

All the overlays work and pop up in the right place. (I noticed people asking for a feature to enable this, but with a custom resolution setup it just works. :)

JRiver Media Centre in 2.35:1 ratio by Hilton, on Flickr

Video to come. :)



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Re: 2.35:1 Ratio Resolution in MC21 works a treat!
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2015, 09:08:02 am »

And the video demo.


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Re: 2.35:1 Ratio Resolution in MC21 works a treat!
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2015, 10:03:55 am »

I've been pretty interested in your various posts and I find myself agreeing with a lot of what you have to say/write.

But on this one I'm almost shouting "NO!" at my screen.  I would never set up a display to crop anything from the original film that wasn't extraneous (like overscan lines or mistaken mics in the shot or something else "wrong").  Why would you do this?  You're necessarily removing part of the film, just so you can see it bigger.

This was a big discussion about 10 to 12 years ago here when 16x9 displays became popular, but a LOT of media was still 4x3.  Lots of "regular Joe" type guys that bought these TVs would shout and complain "I can't use my whole screen with this stupid movie!".  Then people got educated on how to zoom, stretch, or crop, and then 4x3 content filled the whole screen.  But it's always "wrong" to do this, as it alters the original picture.  It drives me the most crazy when the picture is non-proportionally stretched, making circles into ovals, and making skinny people look fat.

That's not the case with what you're doing.  You're simply cropping top and bottom, which is far less intrusive.  It's still altering the original film.  Maybe you don't care.  Which is fine; it's obviously your system and you're free to use it any way you choose.  I'm just surprised to see someone do this who's presumably an audiophile/filmophile/videophile.



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Re: 2.35:1 Ratio Resolution in MC21 works a treat!
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2015, 11:05:48 am »

That's marvelous. Thank's for this post, Hilton - finally some constructive contribution after all this rather theoretical discussion - very much appreciated.

I prefer this setup as well because it's so far the best compromise for all these aspect ratio issues.
Right, on a standard TV screen [16:9] about 30% of the display is lost but on the cinema widescreen all is in perfect shape.
Besides, there's no loss of information, provided one keeps in mind to adapt Aspect Ratio via OSD on per movie basis...

Best Video Aspect ratio correction mode (default in Video options: Crop)

     Display |  TV [16:9]  |  Widescreen [2,35:1]
Movie        |                  |
  16:9       |   Stretch     |    No Changes
  21:9       |     Crop       |       Crop



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Re: 2.35:1 Ratio Resolution in MC21 works a treat!
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2015, 11:26:13 am »

Many prefer to use 1920x1080 still for 16:9 content and zoom the projector out either manually or automatically. The Epson, Sony, Panasonic, and JVC projectors (depending on model) have automatic lens memories. The problem is that you can't do a custom resolution for 1920x812 (or 1920x810 as many use) for many projectors since the projector only accepts 1920x1080p. (Nevermind - see edit below)

With Nvidia and AMD you can do a Desktop resize which creates a resolution within a resolution. You are stilling sending 1080p, but the visible area is only 1920x812. The problem with this method is that you can't show both resolutions to JRiver. Therefore, they aren't available as options. You have do either one or the other.

The recent madVR releases takes care of this issue because you can always keep your resolution as 1920x1080, manually or automatically zoom the lens, and then the OSD in Theater View will stay within the video area. I provided instructions here.

If you don't want to ever mess with the lens, using 1920x812 and 1444x812 works, too. There will be a reduction in brightness - especially for 16:9, since one isn't using all the pixels of the projector.

I always show any video in its original aspect ratio and never stretch or crop. For any home theater with a projector, I recommend a  2.40 aspect ratio screen.

Edit: I see now that the custom resolution on Nvidia, at least, now use 1920x1080 timings. This makes it possible to have both 1920x1080 and 1920x812.

Edit #2:  I was downloading the YouTube video while posting and just watched it. I realized I misunderstood what blgentry was saying and removed my response to him.  :)


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Re: 2.35:1 Ratio Resolution in MC21 works a treat!
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2015, 09:03:37 am »

I'd like to share my experiences so far with the setup being introduced by Hilton because I had also a problem with PAL TV playback in this context.

But first: I generally changed the resolution to 1920 x 814  because I had some disturbances at the edges, especially on the border to the top letterbox on TV display which is practically solved with the changed resolution.

TV playback: Audio is fine but I observed a permanent stuttering during playback, i.e. a lot of dropped frames.
I couldn't put my finger on it first but after iterating through both, MC and video display settings it comes down to this...
- on my system (MC 21.0.19 on Win10 Pro x64 on Intel i7-5775C with Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200) the change of resolution from 1920x1080 to 1920x814 really kicks in (with top and bottom letterboxes) only when starting playback of the 1st movie in MC; until then the lower vertical resolution is being stretched to full screen - I guess this is kind of normal.
- after that the refresh rate sticks to 23 Hz forever, which leads to the stuttering during TV playback, in my case PAL norm with nominally 25/50 Hz. In other words: the custom automatic display change settings within MC (see screenshot from Hilton) are not applied, at least not for PAL TV.
-> my current workaround:
   - Windows: set the graphic drivers display setting initially to 1920x814, 50Hz
   - MC: Set Video > "Display Settings automatic change mode" from "Custom" to "On"
   Overall this causes longer delay times until playback starts but switching between refresh rates within MC Video/TV playback works now.

I wouldn't blame MC generally for this deficiency but it seems, the automatic change of display settings does not work properly in custom mode.


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Re: 2.35:1 Ratio Resolution in MC21 works a treat!
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2015, 10:41:59 am »

JeTie, did you setup custom 1920 x 814 resolutions for each refresh rate?


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Re: 2.35:1 Ratio Resolution in MC21 works a treat!
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2015, 11:03:41 am »

Yes, I did - 24, 50, 59 & 60 Hz.
TV engine lacks the crop feature, so I tried different settings for "Aspect ratio mode" but to no avail, either.
Finally I ended up like described in my previous post; only alternative would be to set the refresh rate manually under Win before starting TV playback.


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Re: 2.35:1 Ratio Resolution in MC21 works a treat!
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2016, 05:34:06 am »


I have been offered a free scope screen (127" ... curved... ugh .. I'm not thrilled about the curved part but then maybe it will be cool ... I have no experience with such things ). I hopefully pick it up tomorrow.

I plan to use the info in this thread and with luck most of my projector hours will be with JRiver. My projector doesn't have "lens memory" and I don't have an anamorphic lens. I plan to use the custom rez and zoom to fill the screen and then have JRiver of MadVR fit everything into the window automagically typically without cropping. This means loss of resolution for some aspect ratios but the way I see it is my scope movies will look amazing and everything else will look just as good but smaller. :)

I'm excited about this new direction I really hope it works out.

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