As you may or may not be aware, MC21 (and maybe 20?) has a hidden Tagging Window called the Experimental Tag Action Window (ETAW). You can bring it up by holding down shift while selecting Edit > Tag . Note: In recent builds of MC21, once you bring up ETAW it becomes the default Tagging Window. To go back to the original TAW, just hold down shift and Edit > Tag again.
I'd like to discuss how this works, things I like, and things that might be improved, or changed. In fact, I'm almost certainly missing how some of this works, as it's not exactly documented, so hopefully I'll learn something here too.
The idea of using templates for the ETAW based on Media Type and Media Sub Type is a really good one! I like this. The included templates seem pretty complete and fairly well laid out. As I was researching various aspects of this, I just noticed something I missed. There's a search box at the bottom of the ETAW. It searches on field names *and* their contents. That's nice!! This will save me time, as will being able to lay out my own set of tags, in the order I want, grouped how I want, with spacers between them, in logical groups.
Some things that I think could possibly use improvement or changes:
Font size of individual tag names: The size of the tag groups is normal. The size of the values is normal. But the size of the field names is 2 or 3 points smaller. Which, on my system, makes them just on the other side of hard to read. The fonts are already sort of small. If these could be bumped up a point size or two, they would be much easier to see and use.
Show all fields in current view: This is something some people use a lot. It's a great feature of the current Tagging Action Window (TAW). I see that there is a customization option to add a group for "all visible fields". But that's awkward, as it becomes a new group and you have to add it to every template where you might want to do this. Why not simply make it a drop down option on the main ETAW options, just like it is on the current TAW? Seems like a simple fix to make a lot of people happy.
Show All Tags: From time to time, I want to look at all of the tags for some reason or another. Most of the time it's when I do a search and a file comes up that confuses me. Why did search find this file? So I look at all the tags trying to find what matched the search. Other times I want to remind myself of all of the tags and it's a very easy place to look. *I* think it's useful. Again, this could so easily just be added right into the ETAW pulldown options menu, just like it is on the current TAW options. Boom, done.
I'll probably think of more, but I've got only one question for now: Advanced. How do you add Advanced as a group? In the templates that are included Advanced seems to include everything that's not in the other groups. That might be useful to include sometimes.
Oh and I should say that I'm discovering a lot of little integrated items that are nice touches. The Image being displayed and being integrated with the Cover Art menu by clicking on the image. The Playlists group. This is shaping up to be a really nice modification to the TAW.
