This is probably an unintended consequence of JRiver copying the rules functionality from another area of MC, which included the ability to Import and Export expressions for rules. For example, the Theatre View, "Set rules for file display..." function.
I saw this problem recently where I created a field called "FavouriteTV", with attributes of String Checkbox, and a display name of FTV to keep it short for display in views, so that the column could be just wide enough for the checkbox.
I wanted the rule to say "FavouriteTV = checked". Of course checked mean equal to "1", so the actual rules should read "[FavouriteTV]=1". But I could not select the field named "FavouriteTV", as the field was displayed as FTV. This gave me some grief, although I have since improved that by making the field an Integer. At the time though, I had to use the Rule Import functionality to import "[FavouriteTV]=1", which was then displayed as "FTV is 1".
When creating complex rules in MC, it is common to need to import expressions to create the rule, as the rules just can't be entered directly. I don't know if this issue can, or will be fixed in the Subscription Rules functionality. I'm sure Yaobing was aware of the issue. Of course, maybe the functionality is just picking up the real field name, instead of the field display name as it should.
For the moment, I would advise not changing the display names of key fields such as [Name], [Series], [Season], [Episode], [Description], etc. as they have functionality built around them. Is the meaning of "Series" so different from "Tour" that you really need to change the display name?