For rock and pop music, when I look at a performer’s albums, I want them displayed in order of release (in other words, date order). MC21 does that fine – no problem at all.
But for classical music, I want a composer’s albums displayed by the title of the work (in other words, by album name). MC21 doesn’t seem to want to do this – all the main options are date only.
I’ll show you what I mean. Sorry if the picture comes out very large.

In this picture, I’m in the classical music collection that I’m just starting. I’ve clicked on Beethoven, and all his albums that I’ve so far added now appear in the top pane.
That top pane is fine. As you can see, the albums are listed by name so you get all the piano concertos in the right order, then all the symphonies in the right order, then the violin concerto - everything makes sense and is just as I want it.
But look at the bottom pane. (The “Group by” option for this pane is set at the default, which is “Album”.) MC21 has changed the order of the albums and is no longer displaying them by album name, as they are in the top pane. Instead, it’s decided to list them by the date they happened to be recorded so now, everything is muddled up - the symphonies are no longer grouped together, the piano concertos are in the wrong order - it's an incoherent mess.
This doesn’t make sense to me. If I tell MC21 by group by album, I assume it would group by album name, or failing that, simply follow the pattern already determined in the top pane. Besides, there are two other “Group by” options for grouping by date – “Album (by date) and “Year”. So why do we need a third?
I realise there is a workaround for this. If I go to the “Group by” menu, I can choose “More (sort groups a-z)” and then select “Album”. Bizarrely, if I select “Album” in this sub-menu, it does indeed sort by album name, even though selecting “Album” in the main menu sorts by date! But there’s a big drawback to this workaround: you lose all the artist information in the title bar – everything from the word “by” onwards is deleted. I really want that information clearly visible so I know which performance I’m looking at.
Is there any other way around this? If not, can I suggest the “Group by” option entitled “Album” should sort by album name and not by album date, which appears to me to be a glitch?