about the zip files i don't understand what is confusing ( i'll write an how to maybe for beginners?)
Don't think you need a tuto, thats already on the board, just maybe 3 zip files for Light, Dark, and Night and corresponding pics in the first post of the thread only ...
What I meant was, well as it is now, let's say you see one of your screen shots (as they are not labeled, you do not know which screen shot is which version, you have to download the 2 packs. Then you have to extract all versions into the directory. Then you have to load each one until you find the one that resembles your screen shot. Then, optionally if the user doesn't want a lot of extraneous skins, the user has to go back and remove the 7 screens he doesn't want. (some versions are not drastically different either.)
Maybe you can edit just the top post in the thread? Add 8 thumbnail screen shots (as attachments) with the filename of the images the same as the skin like 50 Shades of Night V-pack2, keeping the DL links in the first post. Get rid of the work-in-progress pics in the top thread.
Just saying, I don't care personally

PS - you can use DeviantArt as some people have done here to have a more permanent linK eg.