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Author Topic: Tags and Genres - how to listen to top levels?  (Read 1720 times)


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Tags and Genres - how to listen to top levels?
« on: December 23, 2015, 11:32:44 am »

I used Jaikoz to tag my monster library of songs.  It worked great, except it set tags and genres at a great level of detail.  For instance, I have "Christmas", "Christmas Lounge", "Christmas Parody", "Christmas Soul", etc. With 767 genres, covering everything from punk to old country, it's a little overwhelming.

I'd like to do three things. 

One, I just want to listen to everything marked Christmas and include all the sub genres/tags that are Christmas related (same requirement for other genres - rock, alt, etc.).  Just randomly play it all. 

Two, how do I organize genres and sub genres? Is there a hierarchy system? 

Finally, is there an automated way to simplify my genres?

Thanks for any help you can provide.


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Re: Tags and Genres - how to listen to top levels?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2015, 12:00:51 pm »

you get what you get when you use a "smart" tagger :)

1. the easiest way is to make a smartlist, with a rule "genre contains christmas".  there are many other ways to make it more complex if you wish

2. however you want to...the MC "hierarchy" is genre\subgenre (so you'd type in christmas\soul).  personally i use a custom field for subgenres, many ways to skin that cat

3. yes you can likely automate it, but there will be many ways to do it so once you've decided what you want we can probably offer more specific help
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