Your 3500 albums will take up some 1.2 to 1.5 TB of disc space, ripped in flac with normal compression. That is one, quite cheap hard-drive.
Database management does take some time, I admit.
I agree Trumpet, your preaching to the choir as they say. However if the OP wants to, why not? Different strokes for different folks

The Answer to his post is yes he can use his optical drive as a CD player and take advanatge of JRiver. JRemote unless the cds are artificially put into the db is just not the way best to control it. Especially through the "Remote" selection in the menu.
My friend's wife refuses to use JRiver and insist she sticks in her CDs. I just bought her a 25euro IR remote and they play through JRiver beautifully (and my friend is happy

BTW I bet in 6 months those 3500 cds will be ripped ... finding one cd and loading it into a player takes more time than ripping it. Its part of the learning curve, is all