Is there a way to have all values for the People tag show in the tag window? While tagging a photo it only shows 4 previous people I've tagged so far and then has ... to show that there are more people tagged. I would like to see all people tagged in the photo there in the tag window. Actually what would be even better is if I could get it to stay in the adding mode that displays when you click the People 'Header' in the tag window. Having access to the check boxes while highlighting and switching between multiple images and people would be much faster. Is this possible? Thanks for any tips or ideas.
EDIT: O.K. I found a workaround/glitch that seems to work. If I left click on the People header to access the Add mode, then right click in the Tag window to access Edit All with Text Editor, then instead of clicking OK or Cancel , left click on an image the text editor closes and leaves the add mode active. I can then click on different images without the add mode deactivating. It even stays active switching between different fields. If I click in a blank area on the Tag window below all the shown fields it returns to the normal mode. I don't know if this is by design or not, but this add input mode should be more discoverable/toggleable if possible, it's very handy. Thanks again!
EDIT 2: Ahh nuts the workaround only works once while actually adding new tag info.
Works great switching selections which is what I was only testing above.