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Author Topic: Surface Pro 4 - Windows 10 - Connected Standby  (Read 4480 times)


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Surface Pro 4 - Windows 10 - Connected Standby
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:12:28 am »


I have finally received my Surface Pro 4 and I love it!
I use it basically for everything, my only additional PC is my small home server that is hosting all my data.
However, I have run into an issue with music playback using JRiver MC.
Whenever the screen turns off, the music stops playing right away.
Of note, the timer for screen off is set to 3 minutes, the timer for standby to 20 minutes.
And the music stops already after 3 minutes.
To my understanding, Surface Pro 4 is using some kind of connected standby, when the screen is off, correct?
Is there any way to make MC continue music playback with the screen off?
The MS app Groove Music continues playback with the screen off, so there must be some kind of tweak.


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Re: Surface Pro 4 - Windows 10 - Connected Standby
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2016, 11:59:49 am »

I have found this information regarding music playback in connected standby:

Any chance that Media Center can support this??
I guess there will be more and more windows PC in the future to use this feature.


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Re: Surface Pro 4 - Windows 10 - Connected Standby
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2016, 12:12:10 pm »

Is there any way to make MC continue music playback with the screen off?
I would really like this feature.

The MS app Groove Music continues playback with the screen off, so there must be some kind of tweak
MC isn't an app.


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Re: Surface Pro 4 - Windows 10 - Connected Standby
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2016, 03:56:26 pm »

MC isn't an app.

True, but perhaps a Windows app could be a solution for this issue? Perhaps by using this app as a separate playback zone from within Media Center?
Or as a DLNA media renderer?


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Re: Surface Pro 4 - Windows 10 - Connected Standby
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2016, 07:49:45 am »

Weird.  I have a Surface Pro 4 and MC keeps right on playing after the screen blanks?  It obviously quits once the "sleep threshold" is reached, but just turning the screen off doesn't seem to interrupt playback at all.  I just listened to an entire album and forty minutes or so of that playback was with the screen off (multiple track changes etc.).  I'm currently listening to MC with the screen off.  MySP4 is the i7, but that shouldn't matter.

Maybe there's something in my settings that's critically different?  Maybe folks could describe how they're blanking the screen (timeout, manually locking, something else?) and we could look for a differential diagnosis.

One interesting data point: I have MC set to prevent the screen turning off while playback is ongoing.  This doesn't work exactly; the screen happily turns off when it's supposed to, but playback isn't interrupted.  So maybe the setting is "half" working in the Win 10 connected standby context?

Some other thoughts:

1) There are power settings for when wifi gets turned off, maybe yours is set to drop the connection when the screen turns off so you're losing your network connection.  Troubleshooting suggestion: try with local file playback.
2) Are you using the internal sound system or an external DAC?  Maybe the internal sound gets cut off automagically when the screen blanks.  I'm using an outboard DAC FWIW.
3) Check your power settings in control panel generally and see what if anything might be relevant.  I did do some minimal registry hacking to get the power settings to expose processor state maxima and minima (for reasons unrelated to MC), but I can't imagine that's "solving" this issue.

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