Hi everyone.
I think MC is a real gem, but apperantly, it has flaws...
I recently noticed a strange behaviour of MC when ripping and updating filenames from filetags.
After ripping (all tracks were recognised) the files were not named after the song but their paths and names were exactly like this:
[artist]\[album]\[track #] - [name](1).mp3
[artist]\[album]\[track #] - [name](2).mp3
However, all the right tags (like album, artist and song) were in the files.
So I tried to change filenames by using "Rename files from properties" from the Library Tools. It didn't work. MC just tried to overwrite my files with files with identical names.
Looking for a solution I remembered that I changed the way the fieldnames had to display. I made a number of dutch translations (Tools --> Options --> Library Fields --> Edit).
Now I discovered that when fieldnames are changed that way , MC uses the displayed text of a rule and not the rule itself for (re)naming a file. As a workaround, I changed the text of a rule to match my translation. Then it worked again as expected.
However, IMHO, this is not the way it should work, because when I try to select a field in MC, only built-in field names are displayed and not the changed (translated) ones.
Any chance there will be a solution?