So, I use hairstyle exclusively and it works well, certainly the best of the other things I've tried
But there are two small things that I think could make the hairstyle experience a lot better and one thing that's too big, but I'll put it out there in any case....
Small #1 - There's no way to add albums, tracks or artists to the Playing Now list. Gimme something, a hot key, alt-enter, ctrl-right, anything.... It's such a big part of what makes Media Center work that I think it really needs to be there.....
Small #2 - A hot-key to turn shuffle on and off.... Come on, throw me a frickin' bone. I've got a kludged together method but it's really annoying because it makes MC think I've done something wrong so it bings at me....
Biggie - This actually goes to the heart of the shuffle mode, but..... What I would like is to be able to be listening to my shuffled playlist and then turn off shuffle to listen to whatever album catches my attention and then turn shuffle back on.... But the way the shuffle currently works it doesn't preserve associations like that. Am I just missing something or, as I suspect, would this be WAY too big....
kudos for a program that does exactly what it should....