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Author Topic: Stereo Imaging  (Read 4101 times)


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Stereo Imaging
« on: January 30, 2016, 01:19:49 pm »

I am new to computer audio and recently began using MC21. I've noticed that the stereo imaging of my ripped files are more centered when comparing the cd on a standard cd player. Even streaming Pandora I notice better left right separation. I have tried both flac and wav rips. Wasabi out to a Schiit Bifrost  by way of USB. From the Bifrost I go to a stereo receiver. I am not using any DSP output settings. Has anyone else noticed this? Am I missing something in the settings? Thanks for any help.


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Re: Stereo Imaging
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2016, 02:05:09 pm »

Provided you have configured JRiver and Windows correctly, this is very surprising to me.

There will be no difference between wav and flac rips (or should I say "should not be" to be PC and not stir up any wav fanatics here) .... there could be a difference between the dacs as I presume you are using the DAC in your CD player ... I know the bifrost; it is a very good, but precise DAC ... and you find you that it is outputs "smaller soundstage"/separation though? .. I'd say perception bias more than anything.  Or your cd player is throwing in some dsp  "magic" of its own. Can you compare the output using the same DAC?

Although I've tested the Bifrost, only on SPDIF, never on USB -- Im assuming you have loaded their drivers from their site and followed their instructions right?

Also make sure if you are trying to A/B them that the volume for both sources is th same ... a very small difference in volume can change how your ear hears things -- and often flatters the loudest output. JRiver should be either in Disabled Volume Mode or Internal Volume Mode and NOT in system or application volume. See the wiki for more details on the volume modes for meore information if needed.



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Re: Stereo Imaging
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2016, 02:43:29 pm »

I believe I have both MC21 and windows configured correctly. Bifrost driver is loaded according to their instructions. Volume is disabled. As I stated, both my cd player and streaming Pandora exhibit the same soundstage separation. It's when I play a ripped file from MC21 that it moves more towards the center. I don't believe it is my perception. You easily notice the centering when moving back and forth between the feeds. Could it possibly be the laptops drive not reading correctly?


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Re: Stereo Imaging
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2016, 05:19:47 pm »

No, not really.  missing the occasional 1's and 0's in a rip won't show up as stereo separation (it will show up as artifacts/noise). 

MC absolutely does not change the stereo separation either (unless you tell it to through the DSP)



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Stereo Imaging
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2016, 06:53:43 pm »

"Wasabi out"

Could be that your output is too hot  :P

But seriously, try removing and replugging in the cables from the bifrost to the amp, different cables from bifrost to the amp, or swap the CD player and DAC inputs on the amp and see if the sound changes.


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Re: Stereo Imaging
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2016, 09:21:09 pm »

Ha Ha. While thinking about this I all of a sudden got an urge for Asian take out.

As far as the CD and DAC inputs, both were run through pure direct setting which bypasses all DSP circuitry of the amp.

I will take your advice and tinker further. In the meantime, I would like to here from anyone who has experienced this same issue.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Stereo Imaging
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2016, 09:41:49 pm »

Hmm... Can you try playing the files in another media player?


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Stereo Imaging
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2016, 03:49:33 am »

Just for the record, you wouldn't happen to have Headphone crossfeed enabled in MC's DSP Studio, right? And no other mixing effects in either of the two Parametric Equalizers, either?
Or, for that matter, something like that on your CD Player...
(Just saying, for the record.)
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