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Author Topic: Auto-import question  (Read 2505 times)


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Auto-import question
« on: February 19, 2016, 06:35:06 am »


I have MC 21 configured to auto-import from folders located on a Synology NAS on my local network. I use software running on the NAS to grab recordings of TV shows (I can't do the recordings on my desktop PC for various reasons) and place them in the appropriate folders on the NAS.

Since setting all this up, I've noticed that MC doesn't always notice the presence of the new files on the networked folders (sometimes it will, sometimes it won't). Just the other day, a new episode of my favorite show came in and was placed in the correct folder, yet a couple of hours later, MC's auto-import still hadn't noticed the presence of the new file. And it's not the only recent new episode that's been ignored, there were several others.

I found the only way I could get MC to recognize the new episodes was to manually run a full auto-import. But this scans ALL the configured auto-import folders on the NAS, which takes a long time. My "TV" folder alone has dozens of shows, each with their own sub-folder, and each of those has multiple season folders. (Note that I have MC set up to auto-import from my main "TV" folder, not each show folder individually.)

Is there any way to have MC do a "refresh" or re-import on a single TV show in its library, auto-importing just from that show's folders? If not, there really ought to be. If I right-click on a show (either in the tree on the left or in the main view) I see no option anywhere in the context menu to scan for new content.


EDIT: Right after posting this I found the Wiki entry on auto-import, with instructions on using Task Scheduler to force MC into running auto-import more frequently than it will on its own. I'll have to look into that. Still, I believe having the option to do a "refresh" import on a single TV show would be useful...


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Re: Auto-import question
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2016, 10:49:13 pm »


Hey I have the exact same problem except my networked folders are on a remote FreeNAS box.  But the issue is identical I believe.  I have figured out that any show or movie that is newly added to a UNC shared network folder, which is included in the auto-import list, does not get imported.  You have to close down and restart MC and then they pop up in the Recent view almost immediately after restart.

The same file added to a local drive is picked up by auto-import instantly.  The issue only seems to there for network drives, in that they do not appear to be polled or monitored at all other than on application start-up.

I am yet to try the work around you have suggested and will do.  Having just read the Wiki post, I suspect this behaviour is caused by the NAS shares lack of support for File System Events...?


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Re: Auto-import question
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2016, 04:30:35 am »

yes you need a system event to make autoimport work. All my files are local so it takes me under 2 minutes to do a full auotimport for a 4tb drive (which I think is fast btw).

A friend of mine has a very slow network/NAS. What I recommended to him is to set up a Temp directory for all new media. Add it in your import config. That way you can choose the "Import a Single Folder" option -- as this is "remembered" and you can set an Icon to run import on the main menu bar to get this up very quickly. One folder with a few albums even on a slow network is going to be fast.

The additional benefit of this is that it allows you to "sandbox" your new media. Set up a simple admin view based on loaction, and you can verify that you are ok with the tagging etc. Then just use the Rename, Move copy Tool (F6) to move from this temp directory to your main media path.  A preset can be set up in the RMC tool pop-up, so you only need to mess with setting this up once.

The work around using task scheduler might help, but this is not going to be 100% either. Full-auto=loss of control and maybe more work later. Too much couch-potatoeness, is not always a good thing.  ;D


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Re: Auto-import question
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2016, 12:04:37 am »

This is relevant.

I think I might need to start to locate new media locally on my JRiver box.  But I will give the force auto-import a go, once a day should do it.
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