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Author Topic: Would like to see Season cover art in Shows>Series>Seasons view. Is it possible?  (Read 5517 times)


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When I am in Standard View, and go to "Video>Shows" (which I have setup to display the Series sorted into their Seasons) all I see is the same "Series" cover art regardless of the Season I'm viewing.
 In this example I would like to have the "Season Four" cover art showing, not the Series art.

How can I see the cover art for the Season?

It would also be desirable to be able to add new art or replace existing Season cover art while in this view.



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Works for me in such a view. Nothing special, just a category view with Series->Season grouping setup.
You can lookup new cover art by selecting any file from the season and doing Cover Art -> Get From Internet
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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The icons in the tree are icons, and cannot be made to be images (cover art or not). So, if you're browsing using the tree, you won't see cover art there.

If you browse using categories, of course, it'll show Season artwork just fine:

The thumbnail in your content panel there is based on your Grouping Setting, which is set to [Series] and so is showing the Series Artwork. If you changed Grouping to [Season] it would show season artwork there, and not Series art.
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This is my setup:

If I click on the top most heading "Shows", it shows all the Series by Cover Art. And when I hover over the the Cover Art, it will show "Play, Season, File". If I click on Season I get this:

But if I just click on the Series Name (i.e. The Big Bang Theory) and then select any of the Seasons then I just get the list as shown in my first post.


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I have exactly the same setup and it works fine for me. Odd. Your Season entry in the View setup isn't an Expression or such?
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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No Expressions. I just added the "Season" using the add button.


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But if I just click on the Series Name (i.e. The Big Bang Theory) and then select any of the Seasons then I just get the list as shown in my first post.

If you mean that you click on the Series name in the Tree, that is correct. You can browse by the Categories, or via the Tree, but not both.

If you select the Media View itself in the Tree, it will show you the Categories Panel for the View (if enabled), and you can use them to browse.

If you select a category item in the Tree, it will show only the File Listing on the right-hand side in the Content Panel. The file listing itself can be grouped, which gives you the "big thumbnails" in the details listing (as shown in your original screenshot), and you can pick which category it uses to group in the View Header.
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Thanks for helping glynor - but I'm going to need to spend some time on the Wiki getting my terms straight before I can figure out what you just said.

1) Tree. I understand this.
2) Media View in the Tree or Category Item in the Tree - I need to study on this.


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I read the Wiki link. Thanks. But it didn't help much.

I still don't understand why I can get the view I want (showing all the Season art) if I click on "Shows" (which then lists all my series cover art) then I click on the Series "Seasons" link (as shown below).

But If I just click on "Series" in the Tree it doesn't work.
So I have to click on "Shows> then hoover on the Series' Cover Art > then click on the Series' "Season" link,  rather than just click on "Series" in the Tree to have this view;



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I tried to explain before, but I'll try again. First, look over the Standard View article on the wiki. I'll use terms from that to describe the parts of the UI I'm discussing.

Standard Media Views have several available View Modes, available under View As in the Customize View dialog. These change the way MC displays the Categories added in the Categories and Panes section of the Content Panel. The two of these used most commonly are:

* In Categories mode: Example
* In Panes mode: Example

If you've set a View to either Categories or Panes View Mode, the Content Panel will be split in two (separated by a Divider Bar widget). The top section is the Categories & Panes section, and the lower section is the File Listing.

You can also set a Media View not to show any Categories at all by selecting File List as the View Mode. When you do this, the View will not have Category "tiles" nor will it have Panes. It'll show up just like a Playlist or Smartlist view, with no categories available in the View at all: Example.

In addition, each Standard Media View can be set to show the selected categories in the Tree, underneath the view itself, similar to how Windows Explorer shows a folder hierarchy, by enabling Customize View > Tree > Support Tree Browsing. When Tree Browsing is enabled, the Media View will get a disclosure triangle (the arrow next to the item in the Tree indicating it can be expanded), and "beneath" it you will get a hierarchical tree of the available category values: Example.

In a View configured like this, you can filter the View with either the Categories & Panes section, or with the Categories in the Tree, but not both at the same time. The categories shown in the Tree are independent of the current selection in the Categories & Panes section. If you select a Pane to filter the View, the Tree still shows all possible options for that Category (it does not get re-filtered):

This is actually sometimes useful because you can tag items by drag-dropping them onto the categories in the Tree, and this wouldn't work if you didn't always have the full range of category values available in the Tree:

If you instead filter a view by selecting one of the categories in the Tree, the View disables and hides the Categories & Panes section entirely:

In other words, while you have a category selected in the Tree, it'll change the View so that it behaves exactly as if the View Mode was set to File List (as described above). That's because those two filtering methods are independent. Once you've selected a view filter by choosing a category in the Tree, the regular Categories & Panes can't be used anymore (because they wouldn't be properly filtered to match the displayed file listing). As I said above, you can't use both methods at the same time. That is how MC has always been, as long as I've been using it anyway.

For the record: I keep Tree Browsing disabled in almost all of my Standard Media Views. I have it enabled in a few of my "advanced" views which I use for tagging duties (because Tree Tagging is a convenient way to apply multiple tags all at once to a group of files), but aside from that, I keep it turned off.

Hope this helps and makes the capabilities more clear.
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  • Citizen of the Universe
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Thanks. That was a great explanation.
Wiki not so good.
Now I understand.


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Wiki not so good.

Yeah. The whole Media View section needs to be re-written entirely. The Media View page itself was the very beginning of my attempt, but it isn't even close to done (and I want to revise that page too).

It has been on my list a long while, but it is just a huge project, and I don't have much motivation, unfortunately.

The stuff that is there (aside from the Media View page itself) is all from back in the MC14/15 era (and earlier). That describes the Standard Media Views fairly well (though it uses old terminology like "View Schemes" and whatnot), but most of it is from things I wrote circa-MC12.
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