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Author Topic: Help with JRiver Audio Recording  (Read 4360 times)


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Help with JRiver Audio Recording
« on: February 27, 2016, 08:14:11 pm »

Hello. I am new to JRiver. I am a novice when it comes to Audio and CD Burning. I used to use Acoustica's "MP3 CD Burner". It allowed me to adjust the Volume and Equalizer of each song before burning the MP3's. However, it does not work on Windows 10 which I now have.

I just want to first learn how to Burn MP3's to a CD and get the songs pretty close to the same Volume. Is there someone who could help me and show me the easiest way to do this? I have been reading your Wiki articles and they are so confusing to me. Also, do I need a separate Burner such as Windows Media Player or another Burner after the MP3's are equalized on JRiver?

Thanks, ptfitzy


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Re: Help with J River Audio Recording
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2016, 10:11:32 pm »

select the mp3's of interest, right click>library tools>analyze audio

now, in the action window (bottom left of the standard view screen) choose burn disc

click the menu (top left of the burn disc window looks like a book), and choose burn settings

in audio burning, check the box that says ...apply crossfade and DSP effects
once checked, click DSP studio, then check the box that says Volume Leveling

burn the disc

once you've done this once all the settings will be saved for next time.  analyzing the audio is calculating the peak volumes (R128) and volume leveling sets the volume so all the tracks are similar

you can add any other DSP effects you like as well like EQ or crossfade, or whatever (i often put a headphones DSP on my ipod songs)


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Re: Help with JRiver Audio Recording
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2019, 01:29:28 pm »

I'm sorry. I still can't get JRiver to Burn the MP3's. I did everything you listed.
However, I can't get the thing to Burn. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Thanks, Phil
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