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Author Topic: Could I get some help setting up multiple zones from one ASIO soundcard ?  (Read 1413 times)

David dP

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Hi !

My soundcard is a RME Fireface UCX.
I'm trying to set up multiple zones with it.

I've searched the forum, and like others, I'm stumbling into the difficulty that MC seems to be (some kind of) exclusive to itself when outputing to ASIO, which makes it impossible to use several zones at the same time.
The RME drivers are definitely multi-client.

The workarounds I've tried are :
- Using WASAPI in non exclusive mode. It works, but only in 44.1kHz. Anything above triggers an error message from MC
- Using the Steinberg multi-client ASIO driver. It kind of works, even in 96kHz. Problem is, I get heavy clipping noise, even at 44.1kHz.

Using the multi-client is not a viable long term solution for me, since I also need it on the input side of MC, for live playback of an FM tuner plugged into the Fireface.

Anyone found a better solution/setup than I have, and care to share it ?

Would a member of the JRiver staff be kind enough to (re-?)explain where the problem lies and if any fix is on the roadmap ?

Thanks in advance for any help !


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I've searched the forum, and like others, I'm stumbling into the difficulty that MC seems to be (some kind of) exclusive to itself when outputing to ASIO, which makes it impossible to use several zones at the same time.
The RME drivers are definitely multi-client.
An audio device can only use one sample rate at a time regardless of whether the drivers are multi-client.

To test your RME drivers, create two Zones with the RME set as the ASIO audio device.
Set the Output Format for both zones to stereo and a sample rate of 96 kHz.
In the second zone, go to Tools > Options > Audio > Audio Device > Device Settings and set the Channel Offset to 2. This will use channels 3-4 out from the RME for output.
Now start playback in each Zone. It should work if the RME driver are truly multi-client.


David dP

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Thanks Mojave

It should work if the RME driver are truly multi-client.

And it doesn't...
(RME insists that their drivers are multi-client since 2003...)

Managed to get it to work in WASAPI at 96kHz 24 bits in non exclusive mode...
Really wish I could leave Windows out of the picture, though....

Edit : It also works with one zone in ASIO and the others in WASAPI !!
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