Yes, a User needs to log into Windows for MC to start and then record TV as per schedule.
I assume you have MC set to start with Windows on your MC Server?
Ok Thanks for the answer. Another good reason to get MC to run as a service. 1- to avoid splits and gaps in recordings after GUI crashes. 2- Unwanted reboots due to power failure etc would automatically restart recordings without having to log in or the use of scripts or else...
I have my HTPC/MC Server automatically log in to Windows on any reboot/restart, using the restricted account I use for the HTPC, not an Administrator account.
OK I'll need to find out how to set this up.
Plus, in the BIOS, I have the HTPC set to restart if there is a power failure, and power is restored. This means that if there is any restart of the HTPC, MC is started again ASAP, and recordings continue.
That's how I have it set.
As has been mentioned before, until multiple recording locations are supported, get a bigger hard disk (cheap, and up to 8TB are available)
We had that argument a little more than a year ago I think
...SO This feature is looong overdue (And was promised to me in MC21
The drive is 4 TB and I have other drives which sums it up to about 12 TB...So it's not the setup and I'm not buying a 200$ 8TB drive....I'll wait til they drop in price a little more...
or use RM&CF to move recordings that you wish to retain to another drive, freeing up space on the primary TV recording drive. I keep at least 25%, or about 500GB, of disk space free.
Yes I will need to do some cleanups to my recordings using RMC but haven't got around it yet..I recall you posted something on this and had some issues...I'll need to read that post carefully before I start my spring cleanup!!! (A little early as it is -17 Celsius outside this morning...
Thanks for your help RoderickGi..A few good tips that will be useful as workarounds until MC gets up to par with you know what...Speaking of you know what...
I've seen other posts on this but some sort of recording logs to report failures or recording conflicts should also be high on the priority list (and you know the rest of the song...)